MIOLO 1.0-Final CHANGELOG - http://www.miolo.org.br ============================= (English revision by Cesar Brod) Beyond some bug fixes, the final version of MIOLO presents the following (main) changes : - handler.php (directory /html) --------------- A routine that looks for the configuration file in the standard directories (/etc/miolo and../etc) has been created. In the event of an error, a message will now be shown. This new file now calls /classes/startup.inc (wich instanciates $MIOLO) - in the previous versions this was done in the MIOLO configuration file (miolo.conf). - lookup.php (directory /html) ------------- A routine was created to look for the configuration file in the standard directories (/etc/miolo and../etc). In the event of an error, a message will now be shown. This new file now calls /classes/startup.inc (wich instanciates $MIOLO) - in the previous versions this was done in the MIOLO configuration file (miolo.conf). IMPORTANT: Due to the modifications mentioned above, the routine will update the configurations and it will use the new version of miolo.conf. - MIOLO Class (file: /classes/miolo.class) ---------------- - Authenticate Method: the user includes in the session 0 variable $login the groups to which belongs. - AuthenticateLdap Method: LDAP authentication, in accordance with the configurations in miolo.conf - Autocomplete Method: it has a new parameter: $defaults, through which is possible to pass the changes to be used in autocomplete. - CheckAccess Method: when making the verification of the access rights, instead of showing an error screen when the user does not have access right, the MIOLO opens the form for login. - Lookup Class (file: /classes/lookup.class) ---------------- - SetBusiness Method: new method that allows to select the DB class - InvertDate Class (file: /classes/util.class) -------------------- - Method ymd2dmy: new method, for conversion of dates. - Method dmy2ymd: new method, for conversion of dates. - Validator Class (file: /classes/ui/form.class) ------------------ - DATEDMYValidator Method: now it is possible to specify the separator that must be used in the dates - LookupField Class (file: /classes/ui/form.class) -------------------- - LookupField Method (constructor): defaults possesess the parameter now, this can be used to pass parameters (variables). bug corrected: when clicking in one of the itens of the window, the same one did not return the value to the form and also it did not close. - DateField Class (file: /classes/ui/form.class) ------------------- - new Class, provides the support of selecting dates in calendar pop-up (see Calendar Class) - MultiChoiceField Class (file: /classes/ui/form.class) -------------------------- - new Class, shows two fields "select", where one contains the options and the other the selected items. - Form Class ---------- - Added SetFocus method, allowing a specific field of a form to be focused when opening a new page. - Methods RadioButtonGroup and CheckBoxGroup: corrected bug that not mantains the selected values when a TabbedForm changes between pages. - TabbedForm2 Class (file: /classes/ui/tabbedform2.class) ----------------------- - Corrected the problem that generated an error in the use dotabbedform2. The Class is ok for use and within the time it will have to substitute the TabbedForm. - Calendar Class (file: /classes/ui/calendar.class) ------------------ - new Class, for calendar creation. It is used by the form's DateField field - new necessary file: html/calendar.php - ThemeMenu Class (file: /classes/ui/theme.class) ------------------ - AddGroupOption Method: similar to the AddUserOption method that adds an option to the menu depending on the permissions of the user, this method adds an option to verify the permissions of the group to which the user belongs. On this form, it is possible to create menus for workgroups, without being necessary to make this for each user. - PostgresConnection Class (file: /classes/database/postgres_connection.class) ---------------------------- - ExecuteAffect Method: it executes sql and returns the amount of affected rows. - PageButton Class (file: /classes/ui/tabbedform.class) -------------------- - new Class, used to add buttons to the pages of the TabbedForms. - Documentation - it was brought up to date and corrected the generator of documentation of the MIOLO/Modules, reflecting the alterations of structure in version RC5. However, it is not necessary to generate the documentation of MIOLO, therefore the same one already is created and follows this version and it if it finds in../html/doc it can directly be accessed in the Documentation Menu - Database - Added database abstraction layer for SQLite - New Theme: Contribution by Darlan Gomes - FASB/BA Participate in the MIOLO's lists: --------------------------------- miolo-users = list to help users, resolution of doubts,... miolo-devel = list for subjects relative to the development of the MIOLO and its functionalities. MIOLO-i18n = internationalization. Vilson Cristiano Gartner vilson@miolo.org.br MIOLO Project Coordinator