getConf('home.url') . '/' . $MIOLO->getConf('options.dispatch'); $form = new MForm('Install MIOLO'); $form->defaultButton = true; if ( Form::getFormValue('step3') ) { $form->setTitle(_M('Install Miolo - Step 3/3') ); $dest = Form::getFormValue('txtDestination'); $url = Form::getFormValue('txtAddress'); //copies miolo to target install directory MUtil::copyDirectory($MIOLO->GetAbsolutePath(),$dest); // generate miolo.conf $data['home.miolo' ] = $dest; $data['home.classes' ] = $dest . '/classes'; $data['home.modules' ] = $dest . '/modules'; $data['home.etc' ] = $dest . '/etc'; $data['home.logs' ] = $dest . '/var/log'; $data['home.trace' ] = $dest . '/var/trace'; $data['home.db' ] = $dest . '/var/db'; $data['home.html' ] = $dest . '/html'; $data['home.themes' ] = $dest . '/classes/ui/themes'; $data['home.extensions' ] = $dest . '/extensions'; $data['home.reports' ] = $dest . '/var/reports'; $data['home.images' ] = $dest . '/ui/images'; $data['home.url' ] = $url; $data['home.url_themes' ] = '/themes'; $data['home.url_reports' ] = '/reports'; $data['home.module.themes'] = '/ui/themes'; $data['home.module.html' ] = '/html'; $data['home.module.images'] = '/html/images'; $data['namespace.core' ] = '/classes'; $data['namespace.service' ] = '/classes/services'; $data['namespace.ui' ] = '/classes/ui'; $data['namespace.themes' ] = '/ui/themes'; $data['namespace.extensions'] = '/classes/extensions'; $data['namespace.controls' ] = '/ui/controls'; $data['namespace.database' ] = '/classes/database'; $data['namespace.utils' ] = '/classes/utils'; $data['namespace.modules' ] = '/modules'; $data['theme.module' ] = null; $data['theme.main' ] = 'miolo2'; $data['theme.lookup' ] = 'miolo2'; $data['theme.title' ] = 'Miolo Web Application'; $data[''] = 'MIOLO FRAMEWORK'; $data['theme.system' ] = 'version 2.0 - rc1'; $data['theme.logo' ] = 'logo_miolo.png'; $data['' ] = 'admin@miolo2.localhost'; $data['theme.options.close' ] = 'true'; $data['theme.options.minimize'] = 'true'; $data['' ] = 'true'; $data['theme.options.move' ] = 'true'; $data['options.startup' ] = 'common'; $data['options.common' ] = 'common'; $data['options.scramble' ] = '0'; $data['options.scramble.password' ] = 'password'; $data['options.dispatch' ] = 'index.php'; $data['' ] = '0'; $data['options.index' ] = 'index.php'; $data['options.mainmenu' ] = '3'; $data['' ] = 'office2003'; $data['options.mainmenu.clickopen'] = 'false'; $data['options.dbsession' ] = '0'; $data['options.authmd5' ] = '0'; $data['options.debug' ] = '1'; $data['options.autocomplete_alert'] = null; $data['options.dump.peer' ] = ''; $data['options.dump.profile' ] = 'false'; $data['options.dump.uses' ] = 'false'; $data['options.dump.trace' ] = 'false'; $data['options.dump.handlers'] = 'false'; $data['' ] = 'true'; $data['options.loading.generating'] = 'true'; $data['options.performance.uri_images' ] = null; $data['options.performance.enable_ajax'] = null; $data['i18n.locale' ] = $dest . '/locale'; $data['i18n.language'] = 'pt_BR'; $data['mad.module'] = 'admin'; $data['mad.classes.access' ] = 'access'; $data['' ] = 'group'; $data['mad.classes.log' ] = 'log'; $data['mad.classes.session' ] = 'session'; $data['mad.classes.transaction'] = 'transaction'; $data['mad.classes.user' ] = 'user'; $data['login.module'] = 'admin'; $data['login.class' ] = 'MAuthDb'; $data['login.check' ] = 'false'; $data['login.shared'] = 'true'; $data['' ] = '1'; $data['session.handler'] = 'file'; $data['session.timeout'] = '300'; $data['db.miolo.system' ] = 'sqlite'; $data['' ] = 'localhost'; $data['' ] = $dest . '/var/db/miolo.sqlite'; $data['db.miolo.user' ] = Form::getFormValue('txtUserName'); $data['db.miolo.password'] = Form::getFormValue('txtPassword'); $data['logs.level' ] = '2'; $data['logs.handler'] = 'socket'; $data['logs.peer' ] = '0'; $data['logs.port' ] = '0'; file_put_contents($dest . '/etc/miolo.conf', MConfigLoader::generateConfigXML($data) ); $dataAdmin['db.admin.system' ] = 'sqlite'; $dataAdmin['' ] = 'localhost'; $dataAdmin['' ] = $dest . '/modules/admin/sql/admin.sqlite'; $dataAdmin['db.admin.user' ] = Form::getFormValue('txtUserName'); $dataAdmin['db.admin.password'] = Form::getFormValue('txtPassword'); $xml=MConfigLoader::generateConfigXML($dataAdmin, 'admin'); file_put_contents($dest . '/modules/admin/etc/module.conf', $xml); $theme->clearContent(); $messageInfo = "
Miolo 2 was successfully installed!
Please create the following VirtualHost in your apache conf.
Remember to update your hosts information, otherways you'll not be able to access the new host.
"; $form->addInfo($messageInfo); $completeURL = $url; $url = substr($url, strrpos($url,'/')+1, strlen($url) ); $virtualhost = "\n DocumentRoot ".$dest."/html\n ServerName ".$url."\n"; $multiField = new MMultilineField( 'multiField', $virtualhost, 'Virtual Host', 20, 10, 70 ); $multiField->setReadOnly( true ); $form->defaultButton = false; $form->addButton( new MButton( 'btnForm', 'Finish', "javascript:GotoURL('$formAction')" ) ); $form->addButton( new MButton( 'btnForm', 'Open ' . $completeURL , "'$completeURL', '_new')" ) ); $fields = array ( $multiField ); } elseif ( Form::getFormValue('txtDestination') ) //if ( Form::getFormValue('txtDestination') ) { $form->setTitle( _M('Install MIOLO - Step 2/3') ); include_once(''); // Is dir writable? $installDir = Form::getFormValue('txtDestination'); Requisites::addRequisite("$installDir exists and is writable?", // label "is_writable(\"$installDir\")", // expression ' True ' , // expected label 'You need to create this directory and it must be writable in order to install MIOLO!', true); Requisites::processRequisites( ); if ( MUtil::getBooleanValue( Requisites::hasFatalError() ) == true ) { $formAction = $MIOLO->getConf('home.url') . '/' . $MIOLO->getConf('options.dispatch') . '?module=install&action=install'; $form->addButton( new MButton( 'btnForm', _M('< Back'), "javascript:GotoURL('$formAction')" ) ); } else { $form->buttons[] = new FormButton(FORM_SUBMIT_BTN_NAME, 'Install Now', 'SUBMIT'); } $fields = array( Requisites::$content, new HiddenField('step3',true), new HiddenField('txtDestination',Form::getFormValue('txtDestination')), new HiddenField('txtAddress',Form::getFormValue('txtAddress')), new HiddenField('txtUserName',Form::getFormValue('txtUserName')), new HiddenField('txtPassword',Form::getFormValue('txtPassword'))); } else { //$form->addButton( new MButton( 'btnForm', 'Go Back', "javascript:GotoURL('$formAction')" ) ); $form->setTitle( _M('Install MIOLO - Step 1/3') ); $sourceDirectory = $mioloDir; $lblSource = new MText('lblSource', _M('Source directory') . ':'); $flds[] = $lblSource; $txtSource = new MTextField('txtDestination', $sourceDirectory, '', 50); $txtSource->setReadOnly(true); $flds[] = $txtSource; $hctSource = new MHContainer('hctSource', $flds); unset($flds); $fields[] = $hctSource; $lblDestination = new MText('lblDestination', _M('Destination directory') . ':'); $flds[] = $lblDestination; $txtDestination = new MTextField('txtDestination', $form->getFormValue('txtDestination', '/var/www/html/miolo2'), '', 50); $flds[] = $txtDestination; $hctDestination = new MHContainer('hctDestination', $flds); unset($flds); $fields[] = $hctDestination; $lblAddress = new MText('lblAddress', _M('Host URL') . ':'); $flds[] = $lblAddress; $txtAddress = new MTextField('txtAddress', $form->getFormValue('txtAddress', 'http://miolo2.localhost'), '', 50); $flds[] = $txtAddress; $hctAddress = new MHContainer('hctDestination', $flds); unset($flds); $fields[] = $hctAddress; $lblUserName = new MText('lblUserName', _M('DB UserName') . ':'); $flds[] = $lblUserName; $txtUserName = new MTextField('txtUserName', $form->getFormValue('txtUserName', 'admin'), '', 20); $txtUserName->setReadOnly(true); $flds[] = $txtUserName; $hctUserName = new MHContainer('hctUserName', $flds); unset($flds); $fields[] = $hctUserName; $lblPassword = new MText('lblPassword', _M('DB Password') . ':'); $flds[] = $lblPassword; $txtPassword = new MTextField('txtPassword', $form->getFormValue('txtPassword', 'admin'), '', 20); $txtPassword->setReadOnly(true); $flds[] = $txtPassword; $hctPassword = new MHContainer('hctPassword', $flds); unset($flds); $fields[] = $hctPassword; $destination = new MTextField('destinat', $form->getFormValue('destinat', '/usr/local/miolo'), _M('Destination directory'), 70); $destination->setJsHint( _M('Please inform the destination directory, where MIOLO should be installed') ); $form->buttons[] = new FormButton(FORM_SUBMIT_BTN_NAME, 'Next >', 'SUBMIT'); } $form->setFields( $fields ); $theme->appendContent( $form ); ?>