2004-12-30 v.1.1 Beta --------------------- - Gecko compatibility implemented - BUGFIX: non-image files were shown in image library 2004-09-03 v.1.0.7 ------------------ - FEATURE: added subscript/superscript feature - FIX: now it's possible to name control with square brackets (like spaw3[] or spaw3[5]) - CHANGE: setting empty values for both href and name in link dialog removes anchor tag - BUGFIX: internal link images had red dots in the corners instead of transparent - LANGUAGE ADDED: Thai (Chanon Mee-iam) - LANGUAGES UPDATED: Czech, German, Danish, Hebrew, Hungarian 2004-08-02 v.1.0.6 ------------------ - FEATURE: added css class selection to table properties dialog - FEATURE: added specific css classes for table cells, selecting css class in table cell dialog disables other style related options (optional, controled by $spaw_disable_style_controls in config file) - FEATURE: added background image feature to table and table cell dialogs - FEATURE: improved link dialog: added linking to anchors on page, grouped attributes by type - FEATURE: host part removed from local image src attribute - BUGFIX: hyperlink, internal link and popup didn't work when control (not text range) was selected - BUGFIX: removed empty line from the end of the files - BUGFIX: added 2 new config variables as globals to getCssScript() method - BUGFIX: changed table create function and cell properties function to remove non-set attributes, modified removeAttribute calls to be case insensitive - BUGFIX: changed table property editing function to remove non set attributes - BUGFIX: fixed a typo in img_library.php, was request_ur where request_uri was expected (thanks to Alain D'EURVEILHER) - BUGFIX: fixed problem with SPAW_editor_registered 2004-07-23 v.1.0.5 ------------------ - FEATURE: added justify alignment - FEATURE: added internal link feature - FEATURE: added image popup feature - FEATURE: added custom hyperlink/anchor dialog - FEATURE: added workaround code to preserve relative links - FEATURE: added file delete feature to image library - FEATURE: added feature allowing to include any php file into img_library.php and dynamically set $spaw_imglibs array, full uri of the "parent" page is set in $request_uri variable - BUGFIX: changed the way of checking for external file inclusion - BUGFIX: fixed problems when used with error_reporting = E_ALL - BUGFIX: replaced textarea 100% width with specified width value - BUGFIX: it wasn't possible to set 100% height for the control - BUGFIX: typo fixed in table.php ("width" where "height" was supposed to be) - BUGFIX: backslashes are now properly escaped - BUGFIX: fixed incorrect comment replacement algorithm (if there were more than 1 comment all except the first one were changed to @@START_COMMENT/@@END_COMMENT) - BUGFIX: linebreaks were removed from the html snippet on load - LANGUAGE FILE ADDED: Greek language file added (Saxinidis B. Konstantinos) - LANGUAGE FILE ADDED: Slovenian language file added (Vladimir Ota) - LANGUAGE FILE ADDED: Portuguese language file added (Ricardo Vidal) - LANGUAGE FILE ADDED: Catalan language file added (Jordi Catŕ) 2003-12-16 v.1.0.4 ------------------ - BUGFIX: File inclusion vulnerability security breach was fixed (thanks to Ashtarot, www.zone-h.org) - BUGFIX: textarea content on non-IE browsers wasn't properly escaped (thanks to Stuart Gallemore) - BUGFIX: Now when you use getHtml method control returns everything including main javascript code (echoed this part in previous versions). Works only if $spaw_inline_js = false - BUGFIX: fixed bug with window scrolling down to the last spaw control on load - BUGFIX: color picker was responding incorrectly when you enter color and hit enter - BUGFIX: Fixed bug with HTML comments in javascript - LANGUAGE FILE ADDED: Japanese (DigiPower, http://pwr.jp/) - LANGUAGE FILE ADDED: Galego (Pedro Telmo, p.telmo@valminor.info) - LANGUAGE FILE ADDED: Norwegian (Torkil Johnsen, torkil@torkiljohnsen.com) - LANGUAGE FILE ADDED: Slovak (Pavel Koutny, pavel.koutny@inetix.sk) - LANGUAGE FILE UPDATED: German - LANGUAGE FILE UPDATED: Danish (Tommy Ipsen) 2003-07-16 v.1.0.3 ------------------ - BUGFIX: only text was submitted when submitting from html view - BUGFIX: Added missing images to default theme - BUGFIX: fixed back/forward bug (740674) - LANGUAGE FILE ADDED: Bulgarian (Atanas Tchobanov, atanas@webdressy.com) - LANGUAGE FILE ADDED: Polish (Jacek Czekala jacek_czekala@post.pl) - LANGUAGE FILE ADDED: Finish (Teemu Joensuu teemu.joensuusaunalahti.fi) - LANGUAGE FILE ADDED: Estonian (Maku, maktak@phpnuke-est.net) - LANGUAGE FILE UPDATED: Corrected Spanish translation (Antonio Paez, antonio@pentaedro.com) - LANGUAGE FILE UPDATED: Fixed typo in Dutch lanugage file (Patrick Vanden Driessche, pvdd@devbrains.be) 2003-05-20 v.1.0.2 ------------------ - FEATURE: Added active toolbar feature - CHANGE: Switched HTML code editing to TEXTAREA - BUGFIX: Fixed "sidetable" toolbar - LANGUAGE FILE ADDED: Brazilian Portuguese (Fernando José Karl, fernandokarl@superig.com.br) - LANGUAGE FILE ADDED: Swedish (Tomas Jogin, tomas@jogin.com) - LANGUAGE FILE ADDED: Danish (Morten Skyt Eriksen, xgd_bitnissen@hotmail.com) - LANGUAGE FILE ADDED: Hungarian (Bagoly Sándor Zsigmond, sasa@networldtrading.com) 2003-04-29 v.1.0.1 ------------------ - FEATURE: show borders on borderless tables - FEATURE: HTML [MS Word] cleanup - BUGFIX: fixed problem with non-windows (unix or mac) newline characters in passed value - BUGFIX: table cell properties didn't work on TH cells - BUGFIX: Textarea for non-IE5.5+ browsers was named incorrectly - LANGUAGE FILE ADDED: Chinese (Traditional and Simplified) (aman@wealthgrp.com.tw) - LANGUAGE FILE ADDED: Czech (BrM, BrM@bridlicna.cz) - LANGUAGE FILES UPDATED: Spanish, French, Hebrew, Lithuanian, Dutch, Russian, Turkish - THEMES: "blue" and "green" themes are no longer supported 2003-04-22 v.1.0 ---------------- - Changed short php tags (