GetUI(); //add an option to the navigation bar $navbar->addOption( 'Label Controls', $module, $action ); // insert a space between the theme elements $theme->breakContent(); // create new panel $panel = new MPanel( 'pnlDummy', 'Label Controls' ); // create some label samples $comment = new MPageComment( "Invisible. You'll see this text as a commento in the generated html page." ); $separator = new MSeparator( "I'm a separator with some usefull text ;-)" ); $label = new MLabel( 'A text for label'); $text = new MText( 'txtName', 'A text for the control', 'blue' ); $header1 = new MTextHeader( 'hdrName1', '1', 'A header H1','green' ); $header2 = new MTextHeader( 'hdrName2', '2', 'A header H2','yellow' ); $textLabel = new MTextLabel( 'txtLabel', 'A text for the control', 'A label', 'red' ); $controls = array( new MLabel( "PageComment: it's invisible... "), $comment, new MSeparator(), $separator, new MLabel( 'MLabel: ' ), $label, new MSeparator(), new MLabel( 'MText: ' ), $text, new MSeparator(), new MLabel( 'MTextHeader 1: ' ), $header1, new MSeparator(), new MLabel( 'MTextHeader 2: ' ), $header2, new MSeparator(), new MLabel( 'MTextLabel: ' ), $textLabel, new MSeparator() ); // add the controls to the panel $panel->addControl( $controls, '', 'left' ); $theme->insertContent( $panel ); // create a link to view the source of this file $src = new ViewSource( __FILE__ ); $theme->appendContent( $src ); ?>