275, // width of captcha image in pixels 'image_height' => 100, // height of captcha image in pixels 'code_length' => 6, // # of characters for captcha code 'image_bg_color' => '#ffffff', // hex color for image background 'text_color' => '#707070', // hex color for captcha text 'line_color' => '#707070', // hex color for lines over text 'noise_color' => '#707070', // color of random noise to draw under text 'num_lines' => 3, // # of lines to draw over text 'noise_level' => 4, // how much random noise to add (0-10) 'perturbation' => 0.7, // distoration level 'use_random_spaces' => true, 'use_random_baseline' => true, 'use_text_angles' => true, 'use_random_boxes' => false, 'wordlist_file' => 'words/words.txt', // text file for word captcha 'use_wordlist' => false, // true to use word list 'wordlist_file_encoding' => null, // character encoding of word file if other than ASCII (e.g. UTF-8, GB2312) // example UTF-8 charset (TTF file must support symbols being used // 'charset' => "абвгдeжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъьюяАБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЬЮЯ", 'ttf_file' => './AHGBold.ttf', // TTF file for captcha text //'captcha_type' => Securimage::SI_CAPTCHA_WORDS, // Securimage::SI_CAPTCHA_STRING || Securimage:: SI_CAPTCHA_MATHEMATIC || Securimage::SI_CAPTCHA_WORDS //'display_value' => 'ABC 123', // Draws custom text on captcha /**** Code Storage & Database Options ****/ // true if you *DO NOT* want to use PHP sessions at all, false to use PHP sessions 'no_session' => false, // the PHP session name to use (null for default PHP session name) // do not change unless you know what you are doing 'session_name' => null, // change to true to store codes in a database 'use_database' => false, // database engine to use for storing codes. must have the PDO extension loaded // Values choices are: // Securimage::SI_DRIVER_MYSQL, Securimage::SI_DRIVER_SQLITE3, Securimage::SI_DRIVER_PGSQL 'database_driver' => Securimage::SI_DRIVER_MYSQL, 'database_host' => 'localhost', // database server host to connect to 'database_user' => 'root', // database user to connect as 'database_pass' => '', // database user password 'database_name' => 'securimage', // name of database to select (you must create this first or use an existing database) 'database_table' => 'captcha_codes', // database table for storing codes, will be created automatically // Securimage will automatically create the database table if it is not found // change to true for performance reasons once database table is up and running 'skip_table_check' => false, /**** Audio Options ****/ //'audio_path' => __DIR__ . '/audio/en/', //'audio_use_noise' => true, //'audio_noise_path' => __DIR__ . '/audio/noise/', //'degrade_audio' => true, );