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3// This demonstrates how I get around a really nasty problem: If the
4// SOAP client won't send a parameter when the value is NULL, the
5// SoapServer will fail with "Missing parameter" when giving the WSDL
6// in the first parameter of the SoapServer constructor. If you give
7// NULL as first parameter to the SoapServer constructor, your method
8// will be called with a wrong parameter order.
10// With the PhpWsdlProxy class I try to get around the problem, but
11// complex type return values must be returned with PHPs SoapVar
12// object then. Primitive return types like string, int or boolean don't
13// need a special handling.
14// To get rid of the NULL problem you need to ensure that the PHP
15// SoapServer has no knowledge of the WSDL. To ensure this, set the
16// PhpWsdl::$UseProxyWsdl property to FALSE (is FALSE per default).
18// If you want to mix class and global methods, you need to use the proxy.
20// Include the demonstration classes
24// Initialize the PhpWsdl class
26PhpWsdl::$UseProxyWsdl=true; // Comment this line out to get rid of "Missing parameter" exceptions
28 null, // PhpWsdl will determine a good namespace
29 null, // Change this to your SOAP endpoint URI (or keep it NULL and PhpWsdl will determine it)
30 './cache', // Change this to a folder with write access
31 Array( // All files with WSDL definitions in comments
32 'class.soapdemo.php',
33 'class.complextypedemo.php',
34 __FILE__ // To include the global method example at the end of this file
35 ),
36 null, // The name of the class that serves the webservice will be determined by PhpWsdl
37 null, // This demo contains all method definitions in comments
38 null, // This demo contains all complex types in comments
39 false, // Don't send WSDL right now
40 false); // Don't start the SOAP server right now
42// Disable caching for demonstration
43ini_set('soap.wsdl_cache_enabled',0); // Disable caching in PHP
44PhpWsdl::$CacheTime=0; // Disable caching in PhpWsdl
46// Run the SOAP server
48 $soap->Optimize=false; // Don't optimize WSDL to send it human readable to the browser
49$soap->RunServer( // Finally, run the server and enable the proxy
50 null,
51 Array( // Use an array for this parameter to enable the proxy:
52 'SoapDemo', // The name of the target class that will handle SOAP requests
53 new SoapDemo() // An instance of the target class that will handle SOAP requests
54 )
64 return utf8_encode('Response of the global method demo');
67// If you want PhpWsdl to handle all methods as global per default, set the
68// PhpWsdlMethod::$IsGlobalDefault to TRUE. Then you don't need to set the
69// setting "global" to "1" for every method.
static $CacheTime
static CreateInstance( $nameSpace=null, $endPoint=null, $cacheFolder=null, $file=null, $name=null, $methods=null, $types=null, $outputOnRequest=false, $runServer=false)
static $UseProxyWsdl
Definição demo3.php:63
Definição demo3.php:27