addOption( 'Box', $module, $action ); // inserts a space in the theme $theme->breakContent(); // create a link to the conto $close = $MIOLO->getActionURL( $module,'main:controls' ); // create a box container $box = new MBox( 'Title for Example Box', $close ); //add a MLabel into the box $box->addControl( new MLabel('A MLabel control with dummy content...') ); // gets access to the User Interface functions $ui = $MIOLO->getUI(); // add an image button to the box // get an image located in the html/images dir // the first parameter indicates the module or miolo's html/images by default $img = $ui->getImage( '', 'button_edit.png' ); $imgButton = new MImageButton( 'imgButton', 'A label for imagebutton', $close, $img ); $box->addControl( $imgButton ); // add the box in the top of the theme contet (before other content) $theme->insertContent( $box ); // create a link to view the source of this file $src = new ViewSource( __FILE__ ); $theme->appendContent( $src ); ?>