addOption( 'Button Controls', $module, $action ); // get access to the UI functions $ui = $MIOLO->getUI(); // get an image located in the html/images dir // the first parameter indicates the module or miolo's html/images by default $img = $ui->getImage( '', 'button_edit.png' ); $theme->breakContent(); // create a panel $panel = new MPanel( 'pnlDummy', 'Button Controls' ); // add some buttons $btnForm1 = new MButton( 'btnForm1', 'Submit', 'submit' ); $btnForm2 = new MButton( 'btnForm2', 'Reset', 'reset' ); $btnForm3 = new MButton( 'btnForm3', 'Print', 'print' ); $btnForm4 = new MButton( 'btnForm4', 'Return', 'return' ); $btnForm7 = new MButton( 'btnForm7', 'Javascript', "alert('Javascript!')" ); $btnForm5 = new MButton( 'btnForm5', 'Goto', '' ); $btnForm6 = new MButton( 'btnForm6', 'Image', 'submit' ); $btnForm6->setImage( $img ); $btnForm6->setAction( MIOLO::getCurrentURL() ); $lnkButton = new MLinkButton( 'lnkButton', 'A label for linkbutton', MIOLO::getCurrentURL() ); $imgButton = new MImageButton( 'imgButton', 'A label for imagebutton', MIOLO::getCurrentURL(), $img ); // setting css class to the button $inpButton = new MInputButton( 'inpButton', 'Input Button', MIOLO::getCurrentURL() ); $inpButton->setClass( 'm-button-find' ); $controls = array( new MLabel( 'Submit Button: '), $btnForm1, new MSeparator(), new MLabel( 'Reset Button: '), $btnForm2, new MSeparator(), new MLabel( 'Print Button: '), $btnForm3, new MSeparator(), new MLabel( 'Return Button: '), $btnForm4, new MSeparator(), new MLabel( 'URL Button: '), $btnForm5, new MSeparator(), new MLabel( 'Image Button: '), $btnForm6, new MSeparator(), new MLabel( 'Javascript Button: '), $btnForm7, new MSeparator(), new MLabel( 'Link Button: '), $lnkButton, new MSeparator(), new MLabel( 'Image Button: '), $imgButton, new MSeparator(), new MLabel( 'Input Button (ex. find): '), $inpButton, new MSeparator(), ); $panel->addControl( $controls, '', 'left' ); $theme->insertContent( $panel ); // create a link to view the source of this file $src = new ViewSource( __FILE__ ); $theme->appendContent( $src ); ?>