addOption('Choice Controls', $module, $action); //$ui = $MIOLO->GetUI(); $theme->breakContent(); // create the panel $panel = new MPanel( 'pnlDummy', _M('Choice Controls') ); // create a check boxes $chkBox = new MCheckBox( 'chkBox', 'value', 'Label', true, _M('A text for CheckBox') ); $chkBox1 = new MCheckBox( 'chkBox1', 'value1', 'Label', false, _M('Another CheckBox') ); $chkBox1 -> setChecked( true ); // create a radio buttons $radio = new MRadioButton( 'radio', 'value', 'Label', true, _M('A text for RadioButton') ); $radio1 = new MRadioButton( 'radio', 'value1', 'Label2', false, _M('Another RadioButton') ); $controls = array( new MLabel('CheckBoxes: '), $chkBox, $chkBox1, new MSeparator(), new MLabel('Radio Buttons: '), $radio, $radio1, new MSeparator() ); $panel->addControl( $controls,'','clear' ); $theme->insertContent( $panel ); // create a link to view the source of this file $src = new ViewSource( __FILE__ ); $theme->appendContent( $src ); ?>