GetUI(); // add option to the navigation menu $navbar->addOption('Link Controls', $module, $action); // space between theme elements $theme->breakContent(); // create a panel $panel = new MPanel('pnlName','Link Controls'); // some link examples $link = new MLink('ilnkName', 'Label of hyperlink', MIOLO::getCurrentURL(), 'Text for the hyperlink'); $link->setOnClick("javascript:alert('Outch! You clicked me... ;-)')"); $imgLink = new MImageLink('ilnkName1', 'Label of imagelink', MIOLO::getCurrentURL(), $ui->getImage('', 'button_edit.png') ); $imgLinkLabel = new MImageLinkLabel('ilnkName2', 'Label of imagelinklabel', MIOLO::getCurrentURL(), $ui->getImage('', 'button_edit.png') ); $controls = array( new MLabel("Hyperlink: "), $link, new MSeparator(), new MLabel("ImageLink: "), $imgLink, new MSeparator(), new MLabel("ImageLinkLabel: "), $imgLinkLabel, new MSeparator() ); // add controls to the panel $panel->addControl($controls, '', 'left'); // put the panel in the theme $theme->insertContent($panel); // create a link to view the source of this file $src = new ViewSource(__FILE__); $theme->appendContent($src); ?>