------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dojox.editor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.9 Release date: 9/14/2009 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project state: experimental, beta, stable ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits Mike Wilcox - Author Jared Jurkiewicz - Author (PrettyPrint, PageBreak, ShowBlockNodes, Preview, Save, ToolbarLineBreak, InsertEntity, NormalizeIndentOutdent, Breadcrumb, FindReplace) Dustin Machi - Technical Assistance ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project description Space for extensions and additional plugins for dijit.Editor. The project currently contains the following plugins: dojox.editor.plugins.TablePlugins: Status: Experimental. The Table Plugins provide a mechanism for editing tables withing the dijit.Editor. This plugin is experimental and does not work correctly in all dojo supported browsers. dojox.editor.plugins.UploadImage: Status: Experimental. The UploadImage plugin makes use of the dojox upload widgets to provide a mechanism to upload images to your server for use in the editor. dojox.editor.plugins.PrettyPrint: Status: Supported (stable). The PrettyPrint plugin provides a mechanism by which the output from editor.getValue()/editor.attr("value") is nicely formatted. Optional format parameters are how many spaces to indent by (default is tab), the maximum text line length (not including indent), and what characters in text strings should be encoded to their &; representation. dojox.editor.plugins.PageBreak: Status: Supported (stable). A simple plugin that allows you to insert 'page breaks' into the doc being edited. These page break styles will then cause the document to break to another page when printed. dojox.editor.plugins.ShowBlockNodes: Status: Supported (stable). A simple plugin that allows you to toggle on and off a CSS 'view' of how the page is laid out in terms of the block nodes used for its formatting. dojox.editor.plugins.Save: Status: Supported (beta). A simple plugin that allows you to POST the content of the editor back to a URL. dojox.editor.plugins.Preview: Status: Supported (beta). A simple plugin that allows you to display the content of the editor in a new window and apply a set of styles to it so you can see how content will look with various styles applied. It is likely this plugin will still evolve a bit. dojox.editor.plugins.ToolbarLineBreak: Status: Supported (stable). An extremely simple plugin that allows you to 'linebreak' the dijit toolbar so that really long toolbars for editor (lots of plugins enabled), can be broken up into multiple rows. dojox.editor.plugins.InsertEntity: Status: Experimental (unsupported). A plugin that enables the ability to insert HTML/XML entity characters into a page. These are often called 'symbols'. The set it provides are the basic latin (8859) set and a portion of greek symbols common to mathematics. It has been marked experimental as it is likely this plugin will evolve a bit. dojox.editor.plugins.NormalizeIndentOutdent: Status: Experimental (unsupported). A plugin that normalizes the behavior of indent/outdent to use margin styles instead of
tags. Also fixes indent/outdent of lists to work properly. This is new and has been tested, but not extensively. Therefore it is currently classed as experimental. dojox.editor.plugins.Breadcrumb: Status: Experimental (unsupported). A plugin that adds a breadcrumb toolbar to the bottom of the editor. Useful for seeing where you aren and what operations you can perform. This is new and has been tested, but not extensively. Therefore it is currently classed as experimental. dojox.editor.plugins.FindReplace: Status: Experimental (unsupported). A plugin that adds a togglable Find/Replace toolbar to the editor. Useful for searching and replacing text strings in the editor content. Only works on FF, IE, and WebKit. No Opera support. This is new and has been tested, but not extensively. Therefore it is currently classed as experimental. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dependencies: dijit dojox.form dojox.html.format ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Documentation The plugins directory contains extensions which work with dijit.Editor. See also: http://docs.dojocampus.org/dojox/editor/plugins/TablePlugins http://docs.dojocampus.org/dojox/editor/plugins/PrettyPrint http://docs.dojocampus.org/dojox/editor/plugins/PageBreak http://docs.dojocampus.org/dojox/editor/plugins/ShowBlockNodes http://docs.dojocampus.org/dojox/editor/plugins/Preview http://docs.dojocampus.org/dojox/editor/plugins/Save http://docs.dojocampus.org/dojox/editor/plugins/ToolbarLineBreak http://docs.dojocampus.org/dojox/editor/plugins/InsertEntity http://docs.dojocampus.org/dojox/editor/plugins/NormalizeIndentOutdent http://docs.dojocampus.org/dojox/editor/plugins/Breadcrumb http://docs.dojocampus.org/dojox/editor/plugins/FindReplace ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plugin Installation instructions Get dojo and dijit from svn. Include the Editor and plugins in your page: dojo.require("dijit.Editor"); For the TablePlugins: dojo.require("dojox.editor.plugins.TablePlugins"); and CSS: For the UploadImage plugin: dojo.require("dojox.editor.plugins.UploadImage"); and CSS: For the PrettyPrint plugin: dojo.require("dojox.editor.plugins.PrettyPrint"); and CSS: No CSS required. For the PageBreak plugin: dojo.require("dojox.editor.plugins.PageBreak"); and CSS: For the ShowBlockNodes plugin: dojo.require("dojox.editor.plugins.ShowBockNodes"); and CSS: For the Preview plugin: dojo.require("dojox.editor.plugins.Preview"); and CSS: For the Save plugin: dojo.require("dojox.editor.plugins.Save"); and CSS: For the ToolbarLineBreak plugin: dojo.require("dojox.editor.plugins.ToolbarLineBreak"); and CSS: No CSS required. For the InsertEntity plugin: dojo.require("dojox.editor.plugins.InsertEntity"); and CSS: For the NormalizeIndentOutdent plugin: dojo.require("dojox.editor.plugins.NormalizeIndentOutdent"); and CSS: No CSS required. For the Breadcrumb plugin: dojo.require("dojox.editor.plugins.Breadcrumb"); and CSS: For the FindReplace plugin: dojo.require("dojox.editor.plugins.FindReplace"); and CSS: See tests for examples: dojox/editor/tests/editorTablePlugs.html dojox/editor/tests/editorUploadPlug.html dojox/editor/tests/editorPrettyPrint.html dojox/editor/tests/editorPageBreak.html dojox/editor/tests/editorShowBlockNodes.html dojox/editor/tests/editorPreview.html dojox/editor/tests/editorSave.html dojox/editor/tests/editorToolbarLineBreak.html dojox/editor/tests/editorInsertEntity.html dojox/editor/tests/editorNormalizeIndentOutdent.html dojox/editor/tests/editorBreadcrumb.html dojox/editor/tests/editorFindReplace.html