PSLib version 0.4 ================= Portable PHP library for dynamically generating PostScript files, with support for the PHP scripting language. CopyLeft (L) 1999-2002 Vilson Cristiano Gartner ( UNIVATES - Centro Universitário (Lajeado-RS-Brasil) The PSLib distribution is available from: Main site: (Portuguese/English) Alternatives: (English) THIS IS PUBLIC SOFTWARE RELEASED UNDER THE LGPL see COPYING or for details on this license. Overview ======== PSLib is a PHP library for generating PostScript files for the PHP free scripting language. It offers an easy way of generating PostScript text and graphics with support for drawing. Call PSlib functions from within your PHP script and voila: dynamic PS files! The functions should be quite self-explainable and somehow mimic the well known proprietary PDFlib which generates dynamic PDF files. Take a look at file CHANGES and make the changes to your old code (prior version 0.03). Supported Programming Environments ================================== The PSLib was developed for usage within a PHP script only. Along with this distribution there is an example called historico.php where PSlib is used. PSLib Features ============== - basic drawing lines, rectangles, ... - text text in different fonts and sizes, formatting, colors and alignments built-in font metrics, support for ISOLatin Encoding - image file formats support for PostScript files (use the GPL software GIMP to generate or convert other well known graphic formats to PS) - direct PS programing Supplied Library Clients ======================== TODO Platform support ================ PSLib requires a working PHP environment and will run on any platform that supports PHP. Where to start? =============== Read the included example historico.php (This example is actually what originated PSLib). Take also a look in pslib.class PSLib resources =============== PSlib is a work in progress. You can ask questions or contribute through the e-mail External libraries used in PSLib ================================= Mostly TODO. Submitting Bug Reports ====================== Send your bug reports to TODO ==== Clipping Text - formatting text inside a box Multiple Text FX Any other thing you may find useful. We are really open for contributions. Licensing and CopyLeft ====================== THIS IS LGPL SOFTWARE! Read the LGPL license in COPYING CopyLeft (L) 1999-2002 Vilson Cristiano Gartner ( UNIVATES - Centro Universitario History ======= See file CHANGES.