
 * Handle webservices requests.
 * This file handles webservices requests made to a module. To be able to handle the request, the module needs to implement a server class in webservices directory under module's directory.
 * \b Package: \n
 * Core
 * @see  
 * @since
 * Class created on 23/01/2008
 * @author Vilson Cristiano Gärtner [vilson@solis.coop.br]
 * \b Maintainers: \n
 * Vilson Cristiano Gärtner [vilson@solis.coop.br]
 * \b Organization: \n
 * SOLIS - Cooperativa de Soluções Livres \n
 * \b Copyright: \n
 * Copyright (c) SOLIS - Cooperativa de Soluções Livres \n
 * \b License: \n
 * Licensed under GPL (for further details read the COPYING file or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html )
 * @version $Id$

// Get the requested info
$module = $_GET['module'] = $_REQUEST['module'];
$class  = $_GET['class']  = $_REQUEST['class'];
$client = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . '-' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_HOST'];
$time = date('d/m/Y-G:i:s');
// Temporary log file
$tmpDir  = sys_get_temp_dir();
$logFile = $tmpDir . '/webservices.log';

require_once '../classes/miolo.class';

// Classe sobrescrita do SoapServer para gerar log das chamadas webservices
require_once '../classes/contrib/webServicesServer.class';


$MIOLO = MIOLO::getInstance();

$MIOLO->conf = new MConfigLoader();        

$uri = $MIOLO->getConf('home.url');

echo "Webservices called from $client at $time\n";
echo "Requested Data:\n";
echo "Module: $module, Class: $class, ";

$wsdlFile = "/webservices/wsdl/$class.wsdl";
$wsdlPath = $MIOLO->getModulePath( $module, $wsdlFile );

$wsdl = NULL;
if ( file_exists($wsdlPath) )
    $wsdl = $wsdlPath;

$file = "/webservices/$class.class";
$path = $MIOLO->getModulePath( $module, $file );

//Instanciate a new soapserver
$server = new webServicesServer( $wsdl, array( 'uri' => $uri, 'encoding' => 'UTF-8' ) );

if ( file_exists($path) )
    $funcs = $server->getFunctions();
    echo "Methods: ";
    foreach($funcs as $f)
        echo "$f, ";
    echo "\n";

    $out = ob_get_contents();
    error_log("$out \n", 3, $logFile);

    try {
    catch (Exception $e )
        $server->fault("999", $e->getMessage());

    echo "\nERROR! File not found: $path \n";
    $out = ob_get_contents();
    error_log("$out \n", 3, $logFile);
    $server->fault('171', 'Sorry, webservices not found!');