* @author Dominique Stender * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Paul Sullivan, Dominique Stender - http://sf.net/projects/cpaint * @version $id: cpaint2.config.php 307 2006-09-30 08:17:43Z saloon12yrd $ */ //---- initialization ---------------------------------------------------------- $cpaint2_config = array(); // $cpaint2_config['proxy'] = array(); // $cpaint2_config['proxy']['security'] = array(); $cpaint2_proxy_whitelist = array(); //---- proxy settings ---------------------------------------------------------- // Use the whitelist for allowed URLs? $cpaint2_config['proxy']['security']['use_whitelist'] = true; // setting for PHP's error reporting $cpaint2_config['proxy']['security']['error_reporting'] = E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE ^ E_WARNING; // maximum runtime of the proxy script in seconds. Set to -1 to use PHP's defaults $cpaint2_config['proxy']['time_limit'] = -1; // number of seconds for the proxy to wait until a connection is established $cpaint2_config['proxy']['connect_timeout'] = 10; /* number of miliseconds to wait for the remote server to answer after the proxy has sent its request. Set to -1 if no specific value is to be used. */ $cpaint2_config['proxy']['stream_timeout'] = 2000; /* whether or not to use the CURL (Client URL) library for connections Possible values: 0 - Attempt to use PHP's fsockopen function (default for backwards compatibility) 1 - Attempt to use CURL 2 - Try socket functions first, failover to CURL 3 - Try CURL first, failover to socket functions Note: The failover condition is reached when the appropriate function for opening the connection to the remote server is not available. If both methods fail, then a non-recoverable error will occur and a message will be passed to the frontend. This condition is different from the host being unreachable, which will return an error, regardless which method is used for attempting the connection. */ $cpaint2_config['proxy']['use_curl'] = 0; //---- proxy security whitelist ------------------------------------------------ /* whitelist data should be added to the variable $cpaint2_proxy_whitelist[] example: $cpaint2_proxy_whitelist[] = "example.com/test.php"; - or - example: $cpaint2_proxy_whitelist[] = "example.com"; ** Omit http:// and https:// from the URL ** */ // this server $cpaint2_proxy_whitelist[] = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; // needed for the proxy_ping example $cpaint2_proxy_whitelist[] = 'www.salcms.de/test/cpaint2/examples/ping/'; // needed for the google request example $cpaint2_proxy_whitelist[] = 'www.google.com'; ?>