FormMioloConf FormMioloConf 0 0 600 480 Edit miolo.conf configure.png btnLoad 12 440 130 26 Load miolo.conf fileimport.png Load miolo.conf progressBar false 151 441 201 22 0 133 btnCancel 450 440 82 26 &Cancel button_cancel.png tabWidget true 10 10 580 420 tab Home Settings groupURL 10 270 540 100 URL Related editUrl 80 30 390 22 1 editUrl_Themes 80 60 390 22 1 lblUrl 28 30 50 20 Site URL AlignVCenter|AlignRight lblUrl_Themes 12 60 66 20 themes URL AlignVCenter|AlignRight groupHome 10 20 540 230 0 0 0 Directory Settings lblHtml 8 150 121 20 Html (Browser visible) AlignVCenter|AlignRight lblLogs 10 120 120 20 Directory for the logs AlignVCenter|AlignRight lblThemes 10 180 120 20 Path of the themes AlignVCenter|AlignRight lblModules 20 60 110 20 Modules Directory AlignVCenter|AlignRight lblMiolo 40 30 89 20 MIOLO Classes AlignVCenter|AlignRight editModules 130 60 340 22 1 editEtc true 130 90 340 22 1 editLogs 130 120 340 22 1 editHtml 130 150 340 22 1 editThemes 130 180 340 22 1 lblEtc 10 90 120 20 etc Directory AlignVCenter|AlignRight btnClasses 470 30 30 23 folder_blue_open.png false true Select directory btnModules 470 60 30 23 folder_blue_open.png true Select directory btnEtc 470 90 30 23 folder_blue_open.png Select directory btnLogs 470 120 30 23 folder_blue_open.png Select directory btnHtml 470 150 30 23 folder_blue_open.png Select directory btnThemes 470 180 30 23 folder_blue_open.png Select directory editClasses 130 30 340 22 1 Directory where the MIOLO Classes are located. tab DB && Password Settings groupBisDB 10 20 280 200 BIS Database Configuration lblHost 30 60 70 20 Host AlignVCenter|AlignRight lblHost_2 30 90 70 20 Name AlignVCenter|AlignRight lblHost_3 30 120 70 20 User AlignVCenter|AlignRight lblHost_4 30 150 70 20 Password AlignVCenter|AlignRight editDBHost 110 60 140 22 1 editDBName 110 90 140 22 1 editDBUser 110 120 140 22 1 editDBPassword 110 150 140 22 1 lblDB 20 30 80 20 System Type AlignVCenter|AlignRight postgres pgsql.png mysql mysql.png oracle oracle.png cbDBSystem 110 30 140 22 groupLogin 310 20 250 120 Login Settings lblLoginCheck_2 20 50 80 20 Shared Login AlignVCenter|AlignRight lblLoginCheck 10 20 90 20 Always Check AlignVCenter|AlignRight lblLoginCheck_3 20 80 80 20 Auto Login AlignVCenter|AlignRight true ok.png false no.png cbLoginCheck 110 20 120 22 true ok.png false no.png cbLoginShared 110 50 120 22 true ok.png false no.png cbLoginAuto 110 80 120 22 tab Other Options groupDump 310 150 250 210 Dump Options lblDump 10 50 70 20 Dump Peer AlignVCenter|AlignRight lblDump_2 10 20 80 20 Show Debug? AlignVCenter|AlignRight lblDump_2_2_3 10 140 80 20 Trace? AlignVCenter|AlignRight lblDump_2_2 10 80 80 20 Dump Profile? AlignVCenter|AlignRight lblDump_2_2_2 10 110 80 20 Uses Info? AlignVCenter|AlignRight lblDump_2_2_3_2 10 170 80 20 Handlers? AlignVCenter|AlignRight editDump_Peer 90 50 140 22 true ok.png false no.png cbProfile 90 80 140 22 true ok.png false no.png cbUses 90 110 140 22 true ok.png false no.png cbTrace 90 140 140 22 true ok.png false no.png cbHandlers 90 170 140 22 true ok.png false no.png cbDebug 90 20 140 22 groupTheme 310 20 250 100 Theme Settings lbllookupTheme 10 60 80 20 LookUp theme AlignVCenter|AlignRight lblmainTheme 20 30 70 20 Main theme AlignVCenter|AlignRight editThemeMain 100 30 120 22 1 editThemeLookUp 100 60 120 22 1 groupTrace 20 280 270 100 Trace Options lblmainTheme_2 10 30 70 20 Trace Port AlignVCenter|AlignRight editTrace_Port 90 30 120 22 1 groupOptions 20 20 270 150 Misc. Options lblDispatcher 10 50 90 20 Dispatcher AlignVCenter|AlignRight lblDispatcher_2 10 80 90 20 Index File AlignVCenter|AlignRight lblScramble 10 110 90 20 Scramble URL? AlignVCenter|AlignRight editStartUp 100 20 120 22 1 editDispatch 100 50 120 22 1 editIndex 100 80 120 22 1 true ok.png false no.png cbScramble 100 110 120 22 lblStartUp 10 20 90 20 Startup Module AlignVCenter|AlignRight groupI18n 20 178 270 90 i18n lblLocale 7 50 93 20 Locale Directory AlignVCenter|AlignRight editLocale 100 50 160 22 1 lblLanguage 10 20 90 20 Language AlignVCenter|AlignRight pt_BR en cbLanguage 100 20 140 22 tab View File confEdit 1 1 570 390 0 true 4 btnSave 360 440 82 26 &Save filesaveas.png btnCancel clicked() FormMioloConf close() btnLoad clicked() FormMioloConf btnLoad_clicked() tabWidget editClasses btnClasses editModules btnModules editEtc btnEtc editLogs btnLogs editHtml btnHtml editThemes btnThemes editUrl editUrl_Themes cbDBSystem editDBHost editDBName editDBUser editDBPassword editThemeMain editThemeLookUp editStartUp editDispatch editIndex cbScramble editTrace_Port cbDebug cbProfile cbUses cbTrace cbHandlers btnLoad btnSave btnCancel confEdit mioloconf.ui.h btnLoad_clicked() getConfigOption( QString & line ) getConfigValue( QString & line ) getNextWord( QString & line )