Version 0.4, beta 2 - July 23, 2002
Major Changes: 
    - added improved ISOLatin1 Encoding support. Now, the file is not necessary

    - new functions: 
        function insert_line($line) - inserts a line into the file. Can be used for direct PS programming
        function include_resource($res) - used to add resources in the file's Resources section
        function arc($xcoord, $ycoord, $ray, $linewidth, $angle_start, $angle_end) - create a arc
        function arc_fill($xcoord, $ycoord, $ray, $linewidth, $angle_start, $angle_end, $red, $green, $blue, $boder) - create and shade a arc with the RGB color
        function circle($xcoord, $ycoord, $ray, $linewidth) - create a circle
        function circle_fill($xcoord, $ycoord, $ray, $linewidth, $red, $green, $blue, $boder) - create and shade a circle with the RGB color
        function set_color($red, $green, $blue) - sets the color to use

    - added color and alignment support for show, show_xy, show_xy_font. Alignment parameters are
      'c', 'r' and the default 'l'. Open to see the color values to use.
      function show($text, $justify='l', $red=-1, $green=-1, $blue=-1)
      function show_xy($text, $xcoord, $ycoord, $justify='l', $red=-1, $green=-1, $blue=-1)
      function show_xy_font($text, $xcoord, $ycoord, $font_name, $font_size, $justify='l', $red=-1, $green=-1, $blue=-1)
    - added color support for rect_fill(...., $red, $green, $blue, $border=true)

Thanks to:
Paulo R. Mallmann (, contributed with circle code.
Jay Haugen (, contributed with color and alignment code.
Joel Leon (, contributed with alignment code
Jose Paulo B. Silva (, contributed with color code

Version 0.03 - December 21, 2000
Major Change: PSLib is now a PHP Class
Lib file name is now: pslib.class. 
Included pslib.php file, which should be used *only* for compatibility purpose with version 0.02.

Deprecated: set_acent

Thanks to:
Ericson C. Smith, for his contribution in the conversion to class

Version 0.02 - October 26, 2000
Lib file name changed to pslib.php
Major Bug fixed: page number/count

Other changes:
- Function PS_open: now the parameters are ($file, $author, $title,
- Function PS_begin_page: now the parameters are ($file, $page)
- Function PS_set_acent: are called directly by PS_open.

Version 0.01 - September 1, 2000
First Release.
Functions: PS_begin_page, PS_close, PS_end_page, PS_line, PS_moveto,
PS_moveto_font, PS_open, PS_open_ps, PS_rect, PS_rect_fill, PS_rotate,
PS_set_font, PS_show, PS_show_eval, PS_show_xy, PS_show_xy_font, PS_set_acent