<?php global $MIOLO; if ( !$MIOLO->getConf('options.debug') ) { error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_WARNING & ~E_DEPRECATED); ini_set("log_errors","on"); ini_set("error_log","../var/log/php_error.log"); } #+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # Support for gettext() #--------------------------------------------------------------------- function setDomainLocale($domain) { global $TEXTDOMAIN; $MIOLO = MIOLO::getInstance(); $TEXTDOMAIN = $domain; $MIOLO->setConf("i18n.db_client_encoding", 'LATIN1'); $lang = $MIOLO->getConf('i18n.language'); $charset = $MIOLO->getConf('options.charset'); $localedir = $MIOLO->getConf('i18n.locale'); $locale = "$lang.$charset"; $fallback1 = "$lang.utf8"; $fallback2 = "$lang.UTF-8"; /* * Try to set the language with the encoding, if it does not exist, try only the language and then, if nothing else * worked, try the default UTF-8 locales. This is important to make MIOLO work with the configured language. The * encoding itself does not matter here, it is changed below to the one defined on the configuration file. */ $locale = setlocale(LC_ALL, $locale, $lang, $fallback1, $fallback2); bind_textdomain_codeset($TEXTDOMAIN, $charset); bindtextdomain($TEXTDOMAIN, $localedir); textdomain($TEXTDOMAIN); // FIXME: check if this is necessary. Maybe it is for using MIOLO on console. if ( $TEXTDOMAIN == 'miolo' ) { putenv("LC_ALL=$locale"); } } if (function_exists('_')) { setDomainLocale('miolo'); } #+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # This function is a wrapper for the gettext support. In addition to # the standard gettext() function, it provides support for up to three # positional parameters represented by the placeholders <code>@1</code>, # <code>@2</code> and <code>@3</code>. # # @example # echo _M('@1 is a romance written by @2 in @3','foo','Tom Sawyer','Mark Twain','1890'); # // will result in: # // "Tom Sawyer is a romance written by Mark Twain in 1890" # # echo _M('@2 escreveu o romance @1 em @3','foo','Tom Sawyer','Mark Twain','1890'); # // # // will result in: # // "Mark Twain escreveu o romance Tom Sawyer em 1890" #--------------------------------------------------------------------- function _M($msg, $dom = 'miolo', $p1 = null, $p2 = null, $p3 = null) { global $TEXTDOMAIN, $MIOLOCONF; if ($msg == '') { return $msg; } // Faz desta forma para tratar as mensagens vindas do miolo20 com acentuação #49910 if ( mb_detect_encoding($msg.'x', 'UTF-8, ISO-8859-1') == 'ISO-8859-1' ) { $msg = utf8_encode($msg); } if (function_exists('_')) { if ($dom != $TEXTDOMAIN) { setDomainLocale($dom); } $msg = _($msg); } if ($p1 !== null) { $msg = str_replace('@1', $p1, $msg); } if ($p2 !== null) { $msg = str_replace('@2', $p2, $msg); } if ($p3 !== null) { $msg = str_replace('@3', $p3, $msg); } return $msg; } function miolo2AutoloadFileCheck($file) { $MIOLO = MIOLO::getInstance(); $local[] = $MIOLO->getConf('options.miolo2modules'); $local[] = $MIOLO->getConf('home.miolo'); $local[] = $MIOLO->getConf('home.classes'); $local[] = $MIOLO->getConf('home.modules'); foreach($local as $l) { $arq = $l.'/'.$file; if(file_exists($arq)) { $file = $arq; } if(file_exists($arq.'.php')) { $file = $arq.'.php'; } } return $file; } function miolo_autoload($className) { global $autoload; $MIOLO = MIOLO::getInstance(); if(stristr($className, 'pagseguro') && !strstr($className, 'PagSeguroLibrary.php') ) { $dirs = Array( 'config', 'resources', 'log', 'domain', 'exception', 'parser', 'service', 'utils', 'helper' ); foreach($dirs as $key => $dir) { $d = "classes/PagSeguroLibrary/{$dir}/{$className}.class.php"; if( file_exists($MIOLO->getConf('home.modules').'/portal/'.$d ) ) { $MIOLO->uses($d, 'portal'); } } return; } if(ucfirst(substr($className,0,1)) == substr($className,0,1)) $MIOLO->setConf('tempvar', $className); if (defined('DOMPDF_DIR')) { $fileName = DOMPDF_autoload($className); if (file_exists($fileName)) $autoload->setFile($className, $fileName); } $className = strtolower($className); if ( ($file = $autoload->getFile($className)) != '' ) { $file = $autoload->getFile($className); if( !file_exists($file) ) { $MIOLO = MIOLO::getInstance(); if($MIOLO->getConf('options.miolo2modules')) { $file = miolo2AutoloadFileCheck($file); } } include_once($file); } elseif ( strlen($MIOLO->getConf('options.miolo2modules')) ) { if ( method_exists('sAutoload', 'SAGUAutoload') ) { if(strtolower(substr($className,0,1)) == 'm') { $className = substr($className,1); //FIXME A mesma logica esta sendo feita tambem no mcompatibility.class.php, corrigir quando possivel. if( ( substr($className, 0, 8) == 'business' || in_array(substr($className, 0, 3), array('bas', 'acd', 'fin')) ) && $MIOLO->getConf('tempvar')) { $MIOLO = MIOLO::getInstance(); sAutoload::SAGUAutoload($MIOLO->getConf('tempvar'), $MIOLO->getConf('options.miolo2modules'), true); } } } } } spl_autoload_register('miolo_autoload'); $error_types = (int)ini_get("error_reporting"); // Remover? function errorHandlerMiolo( $errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { $e = "Unkown Error"; switch ($errno) { case E_ERROR: $e = "Error"; break; case E_WARNING: $e = "Warning"; break; case E_PARSE: $e = "Parse Error"; break; case E_NOTICE: $e = "Notice"; break; } echo "<b>{$e}:</b> {$errstr} in <b>{$errfile}</b> on line <b>{$errline}</b><br/>"; /* Don't execute PHP internal error handler */ return true; } function mdump($var) { $MIOLO = MIOLO::getInstance(); $MIOLO->trace(print_r($var,true)); } function debug($var, $append = true) { $file = '/tmp/var_dump'; MUtil::MDEBUG($var, $append, $file); // Informa a linha e arquivo que esta chamando o debug $btr = debug_backtrace(); $info = '>>> Arquivo: ' . $btr[0]['file'] . ' (linha: ' . $btr[0]['line'] . ')'; MUtil::MDEBUG($info, true, $file); // Adiciona espacos MUtil::MDEBUG("\n\n", true, $file); } function btr($depth = 20) { $exp = var_export(backtrace($depth), true); debug($exp); } function backtrace($depth = 20) { $traces = debug_backtrace(); $lines = array(); for ($i=0; $i <= $depth; $i++) { $trace = $traces[$i]; if ( $trace ) { $lines[] = $trace['function'] . '()' . ' - ' . basename($trace['file']) . ':' . $trace['line']; } } return $lines; } ?>