clearContent(); $navbar->addOption('Insert', 'example', $self); // adding some information to the content area of theme $theme->appendContent(new MLabel("I'm at insert1 handler. The content of theme was cleared.")); $theme->appendContent(new MSpacer()); $theme->appendContent(new MLabel("Context::module : " . $context->module)); $theme->appendContent(new MSpacer()); $theme->appendContent(new MLabel("Context::action : " . $context->action)); $theme->appendContent(new MSpacer()); // adding a div to be accessed by the insert2 handler $label = new MLabel("Adding a piece of text at insert1 handler in this div"); $label->color = 'blue'; $div = new MDiv("insertSample",$label); $div->backgroundColor = "#DDD"; $theme->appendContent($div); // "inserting" a other handler $inc = $MIOLO->getActionURL('example','insert2','a value'); $page->insert($inc); // adding more content to the theme $theme->appendContent(new MSpacer()); $theme->appendContent(new MLabel("I'm at insert1 handler AGAIN.")); ?>