Membros públicos estáticos | |
static | dump ($var, $maxDepth=2) |
static | export ($var, $maxDepth) |
static | toString ($obj) |
Static class containing most used debug methods.
@license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php LGPL 2.0 Guilherme Blanco guilh.nosp@m.erme.nosp@m.blanc.nosp@m.o@ho.nosp@m.tmail.nosp@m..com Jonathan Wage jonwa.nosp@m.ge@g.nosp@m.mail..nosp@m.com Roman Borschel roman.nosp@m.@cod.nosp@m.e-fac.nosp@m.tory.nosp@m..org Giorgio Sironi picco.nosp@m.lopr.nosp@m.incip.nosp@m.eazz.nosp@m.urro@.nosp@m.gmai.nosp@m.l.com
static |
Prints a dump of the public, protected and private properties of $var.
mixed $var integer $maxDepth Maximum nesting level for object properties