Membros públicos | |
__construct ($title, $steps=NULL, $step=NULL, $nextStep=NULL) | |
createFields () | |
nextStepButton_click () | |
previousStepButton_click () | |
gotoStep ($step) | |
objectToArray ($object) | |
getStepName () | |
setStepName ($stepName) | |
setStepData ($data, $step=null) | |
getStepData ($step=null, $returnAsObject=true) | |
cleanStepData ($step=null) | |
prepareData ($data=null, $step=null) | |
setAllStepData ($stepData) | |
getAllStepData () | |
getButtons () | |
finalizeStepByStep ($buttons=NULL) | |
onLoad () | |
isFirstStep () | |
isLastStep () | |
isFirstAccess ($step=NULL) | |
cancelButton_click ($args) | |
finalizeButton_click ($args) | |
redirect ($module, $action, $args=NULL) | |
cancelButton () | |
nextStepButton () | |
previousStepButton () | |
finalizeButton () | |
firstStepButtons () | |
innerStepButtons () | |
lastStepButtons () | |
buttonsDiv ($buttons) | |
![]() | |
__construct ($title='', $action='', $close='', $icon='', $help='') | |
getRandomField () | |
setRandomField () | |
__set ($name, $value) | |
__get ($name) | |
getValidations () | |
setValidations ($validations) | |
OnLoad () | |
CreateFields () | |
AddValidator ($validator) | |
getFormControlFields () | |
getFieldFromFields ($fieldName, $fields) | |
SetValidators ($validators) | |
IsSubmitted () | |
GetTitle () | |
SetTitle ($title) | |
SetClose ($action) | |
SetIcon ($icon) | |
SetAlternate ($color0, $color1) | |
GetFooter () | |
SetFooter ($footer) | |
GetFormFields () | |
_GetFormFieldValue ($field) | |
GetFormValue ($name=null, $value=NULL) | |
SetFormValue ($name, $value) | |
OnSubmit ($jscode) | |
AddJsCode ($jscode) | |
SetAction ($action) | |
setHelp ($help, $module=null, $action=null) | |
SetFields (&$fields) | |
AddField ($field, $hint=false) | |
AddFields ($fields) | |
AddButton ($btn) | |
SetButtons ($btn) | |
setButtonLabel ( $index, $label) | |
showReturn ( $state) | |
setShowReturnButton ( $state) | |
setShowPostButton ( $state) | |
showReset ( $state) | |
setShowResetButton ( $state) | |
showHints ($state) | |
GetFieldList () | |
ClearFields () | |
ClearButtons () | |
validateAll ( $assert=true) | |
validateRequiredFields ( $assert=true) | |
validate ( $required, $assert=true, $args=NULL) | |
Error ( $err) | |
AddError ($err) | |
HasErrors () | |
AddInfo ($info) | |
HasInfos () | |
AddAlert ($alert) | |
HasAlerts () | |
CollectInput ($data) | |
getData () | |
getRequestData () | |
SetData ($data) | |
GetFieldValue ($name, $value=false) | |
SetFieldValue ($name, $value) | |
SetFieldValidator ($name, $value) | |
& | GetField ($name) |
& | GetButton ($name) |
& | GetPage () |
SetPage (&$page) | |
SetFieldAttr ($name, $attr, $value) | |
GetFieldAttr ($name, $attr, $index=NULL) | |
SetButtonAttr ($name, $attr, $value) | |
SetFieldCSS ($name, $top, $left, $width=NULL, $position='absolute') | |
SetFormCSS ($height=0, $width=0, $top=0, $left=0, $buttons=0, $position='absolute') | |
SetBackgroundColor ($bgcolor) | |
SetAlign ($value) | |
SetWidth ($width=NULL) | |
SetHeight ($height=NULL) | |
SetLabelWidth ($width) | |
GenerateErrors () | |
GenerateInfos () | |
GenerateAlerts () | |
GenerateBody () | |
GenerateFooter () | |
GenerateLayoutFields (&$hidden) | |
generateValidators ($fields) | |
getFieldValidator ($name) | |
getFieldValidators ($name) | |
removeAJAXValidator ($fieldId) | |
GenerateLayoutField ($field, &$hidden) | |
GenerateButtons () | |
GenerateHiddenFields ($hidden) | |
GenerateScript () | |
generateAJAXValidators () | |
Generate () | |
getGridQuery ($gridName) | |
getGridData ($gridName) | |
addCustomFields ($identifier, $customizedId=NULL, $suffix='', $somenteComActionUrl=false) | |
getCustomFields ($identifier, $customizedId=NULL, $suffix='', $somenteComActionUrl=false, $step=null) | |
generateCustomFields ($mioloCustomFields=array(), $data=null, $suffix=null) | |
saveCustomFields ($customizedId, $data=null, $identifier=null, $somenteComActionUrl=false, $cfId=null) | |
searchCustomFieldValues ($identifier, $returnSql=false, $onlyCustomizedid=false, $filters=null) | |
getCustomFieldValues () | |
deleteCustomFieldValues ($customizedId) | |
![]() | |
__construct ( $name=NULL) | |
__clone () | |
setReadOnly ($status) | |
setEnabled ($state) | |
setName ($name) | |
setId ($id) | |
setNameAndId ($name) | |
getId () | |
getName () | |
getUniqueId () | |
setClass ( $cssClass, $add=true) | |
addStyleFile ( $styleFile) | |
getClass () | |
addStyle ($name, $value) | |
setStyle ($style) | |
getStyle () | |
addAttribute ( $name, $value='') | |
setTooltip ($title, $placement=self::TOOLTIP_PLACEMENT_AUTO) | |
setAttribute ( $name, $value) | |
setAttributes ($attr) | |
attributes ( $mergeDuplicates=false) | |
getAttributes ( $mergeDuplicates=false) | |
setFormMode ( $mode) | |
setJsHint ( $hint) | |
setPosition ($left, $top, $position='absolute') | |
setWidth ($value) | |
setHeight ($value) | |
setColor ($value) | |
setVisibility ($value) | |
setFont ($value) | |
setCaption ($caption) | |
setInner ($inner) | |
getInner () | |
addControl ($control) | |
insertControl ($control, $pos=0, $width=null, $float=null) | |
setControl ($control, $pos=0) | |
setControls ($controls) | |
getControls () | |
getControl ($pos) | |
getControlById ($id) | |
findControlById ($id) | |
setControlById ($control, $id) | |
clearControls () | |
eventHandler () | |
attachEventHandler ( $name, $handler, $param=NULL) | |
getBox () | |
setBoxId ( $id) | |
setBoxClass ( $cssClass, $add=true) | |
getBoxClass () | |
setBoxAttributes ($attr) | |
getBoxAttributes () | |
addBoxStyle ($name, $value='') | |
generateBox ( $content) | |
getRender ( $method) | |
getInnerToString () | |
generateInner () | |
generate () | |
![]() | |
SetName ($name) | |
GetName () | |
AddComponent ($component) | |
InsertComponent ($component, $pos=0) | |
SetComponent ($component, $pos) | |
SetComponents ($components) | |
GetComponents () | |
GetComponent ($pos) | |
ClearComponents () | |
Membros públicos estáticos | |
static | getCurrentStep () |
static | setCurrentStep ($step) |
static | getShowImageOnButtons () |
static | setShowImageOnButtons ($showImageOnButtons) |
static | setDefaultButtons ($defaultButtons) |
static | getDefaultButtons () |
![]() | |
static | getShowHints () |
static | setShowHints ($state) |
static | expansibleText ($labelExpand, $labelCollapse, $text) |
static | normalizaActionParaConsulta ($action) |
Outros membros herdados | |
![]() | |
static | $showHints = true |
static | $fieldNum = 0 |
![]() | |
static | $_number = 0 |
![]() | |
getGrid ($campos=array(), $gridName=NULL) | |
procuraGrid ($field, $gridName) | |
getCamposConformeContainer ($field) | |
normalizaCamposCustomizados ($customFields) | |
![]() | |
_AddStyle ($name, $value) | |
MStepByStep Class Form with a step by step logic
Armando Taffarel Neto [taffa.nosp@m.rel@.nosp@m.solis.nosp@m..coo.nosp@m.p.br] Daniel Hartmann [danie.nosp@m.l@so.nosp@m.lis.c.nosp@m.oop..nosp@m.br]
SOLIS - Cooperativa de Soluções Livres
Copyright (c) 2010 SOLIS - Cooperativa de Soluções Livres
Licensed under GPLv2 (for further details read the COPYING file or http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html)
See history in CVS repository: http://www.miolo.org.br
Definido na linha 33 do ficheiro mstepbystepform.class.
__construct | ( | $title, | |
$steps = NULL, | |||
$step = NULL, | |||
$nextStep = NULL ) |
MStepByStepForm construct method
string | $title | Form title |
array | $steps | Form steps |
integer | $step | Current step |
integer | $nextStep | Next step |
Definido na linha 56 do ficheiro mstepbystepform.class.
buttonsDiv | ( | $buttons | ) |
array | $buttons | MButton array |
Definido na linha 654 do ficheiro mstepbystepform.class.
cancelButton | ( | ) |
Definido na linha 581 do ficheiro mstepbystepform.class.
cancelButton_click | ( | $args | ) |
Method called on cancel button action
Definido na linha 544 do ficheiro mstepbystepform.class.
cleanStepData | ( | $step = null | ) |
Clean the data of one step or of all steps
integer | $step | Step number |
Definido na linha 299 do ficheiro mstepbystepform.class.
createFields | ( | ) |
Definido na linha 71 do ficheiro mstepbystepform.class.
finalizeButton | ( | ) |
Definido na linha 617 do ficheiro mstepbystepform.class.
finalizeButton_click | ( | $args | ) |
Method called on finalize button action This is an example method. You must override it to save the form data
Definido na linha 554 do ficheiro mstepbystepform.class.
finalizeStepByStep | ( | $buttons = NULL | ) |
Finalizes the step by step, by changing the buttons with the specified ones (or with a default close button) and disabling the step buttons
array | $buttons | Array with buttons (MButton) to be displayed |
Definido na linha 427 do ficheiro mstepbystepform.class.
firstStepButtons | ( | ) |
Definido na linha 629 do ficheiro mstepbystepform.class.
getAllStepData | ( | ) |
Gets steps data from session and unserialize it
Definido na linha 359 do ficheiro mstepbystepform.class.
getButtons | ( | ) |
Returns a div with buttons based on the current step
Definido na linha 403 do ficheiro mstepbystepform.class.
static |
Definido na linha 369 do ficheiro mstepbystepform.class.
static |
Definido na linha 471 do ficheiro mstepbystepform.class.
static |
Definido na linha 385 do ficheiro mstepbystepform.class.
getStepData | ( | $step = null, | |
$returnAsObject = true ) |
Returns the given step data, or all steps data, if $step is null
integer | $step | Step number |
boolean | $returnAsObject | Sets the return type |
Definido na linha 256 do ficheiro mstepbystepform.class.
getStepName | ( | ) |
Definido na linha 224 do ficheiro mstepbystepform.class.
gotoStep | ( | $step | ) |
Redirects the user to the given step
integer | $step | Step number |
Definido na linha 192 do ficheiro mstepbystepform.class.
innerStepButtons | ( | ) |
Definido na linha 637 do ficheiro mstepbystepform.class.
isFirstAccess | ( | $step = NULL | ) |
Checks on session if the data of the given step was already set
$step | The step number. If not informed, it uses the current step |
Definido na linha 523 do ficheiro mstepbystepform.class.
isFirstStep | ( | ) |
Definido na linha 496 do ficheiro mstepbystepform.class.
isLastStep | ( | ) |
Definido na linha 511 do ficheiro mstepbystepform.class.
lastStepButtons | ( | ) |
Definido na linha 645 do ficheiro mstepbystepform.class.
nextStepButton | ( | ) |
Definido na linha 593 do ficheiro mstepbystepform.class.
nextStepButton_click | ( | ) |
Saves the step data and redirects to the next step
Definido na linha 152 do ficheiro mstepbystepform.class.
objectToArray | ( | $object | ) |
Converts an object to array
object | Object |
Definido na linha 204 do ficheiro mstepbystepform.class.
onLoad | ( | ) |
Loads the data automatically It is called after createFields
Definido na linha 480 do ficheiro mstepbystepform.class.
prepareData | ( | $data = null, | |
$step = null ) |
Prepares the step data (current step, if none is informed) to put them on session
unknown | $data | Array or object |
integer | $step | Step number |
Definido na linha 320 do ficheiro mstepbystepform.class.
previousStepButton | ( | ) |
Definido na linha 605 do ficheiro mstepbystepform.class.
previousStepButton_click | ( | ) |
Saves the step data and redirects to the previous step
Definido na linha 169 do ficheiro mstepbystepform.class.
redirect | ( | $module, | |
$action, | |||
$args = NULL ) |
Redirects the page to the given action of the given module, with the given arguments
string | $module | Module |
string | $action | Action |
array | $args | Arguments |
Definido na linha 571 do ficheiro mstepbystepform.class.
setAllStepData | ( | $stepData | ) |
Saves data from all steps on session
array | $stepData | Data from all the steps |
Definido na linha 347 do ficheiro mstepbystepform.class.
static |
integer | $step | Sets the current step |
Definido na linha 377 do ficheiro mstepbystepform.class.
static |
boolean | $defaultButtons | Sets if the default buttons must be shown |
Definido na linha 463 do ficheiro mstepbystepform.class.
static |
boolean | $showImageOnButtons | Sets to show image on buttons or not |
Definido na linha 393 do ficheiro mstepbystepform.class.
setStepData | ( | $data, | |
$step = null ) |
Sets data on the given step
object | $data | Data object |
integer | $step | Step number |
Definido na linha 243 do ficheiro mstepbystepform.class.
setStepName | ( | $stepName | ) |
string | $stepName | Sets the step name |
Definido na linha 232 do ficheiro mstepbystepform.class.
$data |
Definido na linha 40 do ficheiro mstepbystepform.class.
$nextStep |
Definido na linha 37 do ficheiro mstepbystepform.class.
$prevStep |
Definido na linha 39 do ficheiro mstepbystepform.class.
$step |
Definido na linha 36 do ficheiro mstepbystepform.class.
$stepName |
Definido na linha 38 do ficheiro mstepbystepform.class.
$steps |
Definido na linha 35 do ficheiro mstepbystepform.class.
const BUTTONS_DIV_ID = 'stepButtonsDiv' |
Definido na linha 44 do ficheiro mstepbystepform.class.
const BUTTONS_DIV_IMG_STYLE = 'm-stepbystep-buttons-img' |
Definido na linha 46 do ficheiro mstepbystepform.class.
const BUTTONS_DIV_STYLE = 'm-stepbystep-buttons' |
Definido na linha 45 do ficheiro mstepbystepform.class.