Membros públicos | |
__construct ($title='', $action='') | |
AddField ($field, $hint=false) | |
AddPage ($form) | |
SetPages ($forms) | |
GetCurrentPage () | |
SetCurrentPage ($index) | |
GetFieldList () | |
EventHandler () | |
SetPainterMethod ($method) | |
GenerateHeader () | |
GenerateFooter () | |
GenerateTabs () | |
GenerateBody () | |
GenerateHtml () | |
GenerateJavascript () | |
Generate () | |
![]() | |
__construct ($title='', $action='', $close='', $icon='', $help='') | |
getRandomField () | |
setRandomField () | |
__set ($name, $value) | |
__get ($name) | |
getValidations () | |
setValidations ($validations) | |
OnLoad () | |
CreateFields () | |
AddValidator ($validator) | |
getFormControlFields () | |
getFieldFromFields ($fieldName, $fields) | |
SetValidators ($validators) | |
IsSubmitted () | |
GetTitle () | |
SetTitle ($title) | |
SetClose ($action) | |
SetIcon ($icon) | |
SetAlternate ($color0, $color1) | |
GetFooter () | |
SetFooter ($footer) | |
GetFormFields () | |
_GetFormFieldValue ($field) | |
GetFormValue ($name=null, $value=NULL) | |
SetFormValue ($name, $value) | |
OnSubmit ($jscode) | |
AddJsCode ($jscode) | |
SetAction ($action) | |
setHelp ($help, $module=null, $action=null) | |
SetFields (&$fields) | |
AddFields ($fields) | |
AddButton ($btn) | |
SetButtons ($btn) | |
setButtonLabel ( $index, $label) | |
showReturn ( $state) | |
setShowReturnButton ( $state) | |
setShowPostButton ( $state) | |
showReset ( $state) | |
setShowResetButton ( $state) | |
showHints ($state) | |
ClearFields () | |
ClearButtons () | |
validateAll ( $assert=true) | |
validateRequiredFields ( $assert=true) | |
validate ( $required, $assert=true, $args=NULL) | |
Error ( $err) | |
AddError ($err) | |
HasErrors () | |
AddInfo ($info) | |
HasInfos () | |
AddAlert ($alert) | |
HasAlerts () | |
CollectInput ($data) | |
getData () | |
getRequestData () | |
SetData ($data) | |
GetFieldValue ($name, $value=false) | |
SetFieldValue ($name, $value) | |
SetFieldValidator ($name, $value) | |
& | GetField ($name) |
& | GetButton ($name) |
& | GetPage () |
SetPage (&$page) | |
SetFieldAttr ($name, $attr, $value) | |
GetFieldAttr ($name, $attr, $index=NULL) | |
SetButtonAttr ($name, $attr, $value) | |
SetFieldCSS ($name, $top, $left, $width=NULL, $position='absolute') | |
SetFormCSS ($height=0, $width=0, $top=0, $left=0, $buttons=0, $position='absolute') | |
SetBackgroundColor ($bgcolor) | |
SetAlign ($value) | |
SetWidth ($width=NULL) | |
SetHeight ($height=NULL) | |
SetLabelWidth ($width) | |
GenerateErrors () | |
GenerateInfos () | |
GenerateAlerts () | |
GenerateLayoutFields (&$hidden) | |
generateValidators ($fields) | |
getFieldValidator ($name) | |
getFieldValidators ($name) | |
removeAJAXValidator ($fieldId) | |
GenerateLayoutField ($field, &$hidden) | |
GenerateButtons () | |
GenerateHiddenFields ($hidden) | |
GenerateScript () | |
generateAJAXValidators () | |
getGridQuery ($gridName) | |
getGridData ($gridName) | |
addCustomFields ($identifier, $customizedId=NULL, $suffix='', $somenteComActionUrl=false) | |
getCustomFields ($identifier, $customizedId=NULL, $suffix='', $somenteComActionUrl=false, $step=null) | |
generateCustomFields ($mioloCustomFields=array(), $data=null, $suffix=null) | |
saveCustomFields ($customizedId, $data=null, $identifier=null, $somenteComActionUrl=false, $cfId=null) | |
searchCustomFieldValues ($identifier, $returnSql=false, $onlyCustomizedid=false, $filters=null) | |
getCustomFieldValues () | |
deleteCustomFieldValues ($customizedId) | |
![]() | |
__construct ( $name=NULL) | |
__clone () | |
setReadOnly ($status) | |
setEnabled ($state) | |
setName ($name) | |
setId ($id) | |
setNameAndId ($name) | |
getId () | |
getName () | |
getUniqueId () | |
setClass ( $cssClass, $add=true) | |
addStyleFile ( $styleFile) | |
getClass () | |
addStyle ($name, $value) | |
setStyle ($style) | |
getStyle () | |
addAttribute ( $name, $value='') | |
setTooltip ($title, $placement=self::TOOLTIP_PLACEMENT_AUTO) | |
setAttribute ( $name, $value) | |
setAttributes ($attr) | |
attributes ( $mergeDuplicates=false) | |
getAttributes ( $mergeDuplicates=false) | |
setFormMode ( $mode) | |
setJsHint ( $hint) | |
setPosition ($left, $top, $position='absolute') | |
setWidth ($value) | |
setHeight ($value) | |
setColor ($value) | |
setVisibility ($value) | |
setFont ($value) | |
setCaption ($caption) | |
setInner ($inner) | |
getInner () | |
addControl ($control) | |
insertControl ($control, $pos=0, $width=null, $float=null) | |
setControl ($control, $pos=0) | |
setControls ($controls) | |
getControls () | |
getControl ($pos) | |
getControlById ($id) | |
findControlById ($id) | |
setControlById ($control, $id) | |
clearControls () | |
eventHandler () | |
attachEventHandler ( $name, $handler, $param=NULL) | |
getBox () | |
setBoxId ( $id) | |
setBoxClass ( $cssClass, $add=true) | |
getBoxClass () | |
setBoxAttributes ($attr) | |
getBoxAttributes () | |
addBoxStyle ($name, $value='') | |
generateBox ( $content) | |
getRender ( $method) | |
getInnerToString () | |
generateInner () | |
generate () | |
![]() | |
SetName ($name) | |
GetName () | |
AddComponent ($component) | |
InsertComponent ($component, $pos=0) | |
SetComponent ($component, $pos) | |
SetComponents ($components) | |
GetComponents () | |
GetComponent ($pos) | |
ClearComponents () | |
Atributos Públicos Estáticos | |
static | $order = 0 |
![]() | |
static | $showHints = true |
static | $fieldNum = 0 |
![]() | |
static | $_number = 0 |
Outros membros herdados | |
![]() | |
static | getShowHints () |
static | setShowHints ($state) |
static | expansibleText ($labelExpand, $labelCollapse, $text) |
static | normalizaActionParaConsulta ($action) |
![]() | |
getGrid ($campos=array(), $gridName=NULL) | |
procuraGrid ($field, $gridName) | |
getCamposConformeContainer ($field) | |
normalizaCamposCustomizados ($customFields) | |
![]() | |
_AddStyle ($name, $value) | |
Definido na linha 19 do ficheiro mtabbedform.class.
__construct | ( | $title = '', | |
$action = '' ) |
Definido na linha 33 do ficheiro mtabbedform.class.
AddField | ( | $field, | |
$hint = false ) |
Adds a single field to the list of form fields and optionally adds a hint text for the field.
$field | (reference) a reference to a form field object |
$hint | (string) an optional hint for the form field |
$field | (tipo) desc |
$hint | (tipo) desc |
Reimplementado de MForm.
Definido na linha 50 do ficheiro mtabbedform.class.
AddPage | ( | $form | ) |
Definido na linha 55 do ficheiro mtabbedform.class.
EventHandler | ( | ) |
Definido na linha 128 do ficheiro mtabbedform.class.
Generate | ( | ) |
Reimplementado de MForm.
Definido na linha 413 do ficheiro mtabbedform.class.
GenerateBody | ( | ) |
Brief Description. Complete Description.
Reimplementado de MForm.
Definido na linha 205 do ficheiro mtabbedform.class.
GenerateFooter | ( | ) |
Brief Description. Complete Description.
Reimplementado de MForm.
Definido na linha 147 do ficheiro mtabbedform.class.
GenerateHeader | ( | ) |
Definido na linha 142 do ficheiro mtabbedform.class.
GenerateHtml | ( | ) |
Definido na linha 323 do ficheiro mtabbedform.class.
GenerateJavascript | ( | ) |
Definido na linha 343 do ficheiro mtabbedform.class.
GenerateTabs | ( | ) |
Definido na linha 152 do ficheiro mtabbedform.class.
GetCurrentPage | ( | ) |
Definido na linha 98 do ficheiro mtabbedform.class.
GetFieldList | ( | ) |
Returns form fields list. This is a placeholder function to bu the form's field list. It is excpected, that the form returns a scalar list of all defined fields which carry a form field value. Thus, form elements of decorative purpose only should be omitted.
Derived classes such as TabbedForm
override this function to provide the list of fields independently of the form's layout.
Reimplementado de MForm.
Definido na linha 112 do ficheiro mtabbedform.class.
SetCurrentPage | ( | $index | ) |
Definido na linha 103 do ficheiro mtabbedform.class.
SetPages | ( | $forms | ) |
Definido na linha 84 do ficheiro mtabbedform.class.
SetPainterMethod | ( | $method | ) |
Definido na linha 135 do ficheiro mtabbedform.class.
$activepage |
Definido na linha 24 do ficheiro mtabbedform.class.
$currentpage |
Definido na linha 25 do ficheiro mtabbedform.class.
$footer |
Definido na linha 30 do ficheiro mtabbedform.class.
$header |
Definido na linha 29 do ficheiro mtabbedform.class.
$nOrder |
Definido na linha 22 do ficheiro mtabbedform.class.
static |
Definido na linha 21 do ficheiro mtabbedform.class.
$pagecount |
Definido na linha 26 do ficheiro mtabbedform.class.
$pageheight = 250 |
Definido na linha 28 do ficheiro mtabbedform.class.
$pages |
Definido na linha 23 do ficheiro mtabbedform.class.
$pagewidth = 80 |
Definido na linha 27 do ficheiro mtabbedform.class.
$painterMethod |
Definido na linha 31 do ficheiro mtabbedform.class.