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Referência à classe EasyDownload

Membros públicos

 easyDownload ()
 setContentType ($strValue)
 _setContentLength ()
 setContentDisposition ($strValue)
 setContentTransferEncoding ($strValue)
 setPath ($strValue)
 setFileName ($strValue)
 setFileNameDown ($strValue)
 send ()

Campos de Dados


Descrição detalhada

@description Object for Download of files [Object for Download of files]

Olavo Alexandrino - oalex.nosp@m.andr.nosp@m.ino@y.nosp@m.ahoo.nosp@m..com..nosp@m.br
May/2004 @otherInformation Other properties can be added header. It makes!

Documentação das funções

◆ _setContentLength()

_setContentLength ( )

It configures value Header 'ContentLength' with the size of the informed file

void @access private

◆ easyDownload()

easyDownload ( )

Constructor @access public

◆ send()

send ( )

Init Download @access public

◆ setContentDisposition()

setContentDisposition ( $strValue)

It configures value Header 'ContentDisposition' @access public

◆ setContentTransferEncoding()

setContentTransferEncoding ( $strValue)

It configures value Header 'ContentTransferEncoding' @access public

◆ setContentType()

setContentType ( $strValue)

It configures value Header 'ContentType'

@access public

◆ setFileName()

setFileName ( $strValue)

It configures the real name of the archive in the server @access public

Prevents unwanted access ../*

◆ setFileNameDown()

setFileNameDown ( $strValue)

It configures the personalized name of the file (therefore it can be different of the located real name in the server) @access public

◆ setPath()

setPath ( $strValue)

It configures the physical place where the file if finds in the server @access public

Prevents unwanted access ../*

Documentação dos campos e atributos

◆ $contentDisposition


◆ $contentLength


◆ $contentTransferEncoding


◆ $contentType


◆ $fileName


◆ $fileNameDown


◆ $path


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