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Referência à classe postscript

Membros públicos

 postscript ($fname="", $author="", $title="Generated with PSLib 0.4", $orientation="Portrait", $fonts="")
 __construct ($fname="", $author="", $title="Generated with PSLib 0.4", $orientation="Portrait", $fonts="")
 _add_font ($font)
 insert_line ($line)
 include_resource ($res)
 encode_ISOLatin1 ($var=true)
 begin_page ($page)
 end_page ()
 close ()
 line ($xcoord_from=0, $ycoord_from=0, $xcoord_to=0, $ycoord_to=0, $linewidth=0)
 moveto ($xcoord, $ycoord)
 moveto_font ($xcoord, $ycoord, $font_name, $font_size)
 open_ps ($ps_file="")
 circle ($xcoord, $ycoord, $ray, $linewidth)
 circle_fill ($xcoord, $ycoord, $ray, $linewidth, $red, $green, $blue, $border=false)
 arc ($xcoord, $ycoord, $ray, $linewidth, $angle_start, $angle_end)
 arc_fill ($xcoord, $ycoord, $ray, $linewidth, $angle_start, $angle_end, $red, $green, $blue, $border=false)
 rect ($xcoord_from, $ycoord_from, $xcoord_to, $ycoord_to, $linewidth)
 rect_fill ($xcoord_from, $ycoord_from, $xcoord_to, $ycoord_to, $linewidth, $red, $green, $blue, $border=false)
 rotate ($degrees)
 set_font ($font_name, $font_size)
 show ($text, $red='', $green='', $blue='', $justify='l')
 show_eval ($text)
 show_xy ($text, $xcoord, $ycoord, $red='', $green='', $blue='', $justify='l')
 show_xy_font ($text, $xcoord, $ycoord, $font_name, $font_size, $red='', $green='', $blue='', $justify='l')
 set_color ($red=-1, $green=-1, $blue=-1)

Campos de Dados

 $string = ""
 $page = 1
 $ISOLatin1 = true
 $red = -1
 $green = -1
 $blue = -1

Documentação dos Construtores & Destrutor

◆ __construct()

__construct ( $fname = "",
$author = "",
$title = "Generated with PSLib 0.4",
$orientation = "Portrait",
$fonts = "" )

Documentação das funções

◆ _add_font()

_add_font ( $font)

◆ arc()

arc ( $xcoord,
$angle_end )

◆ arc_fill()

arc_fill ( $xcoord,
$border = false )

◆ begin_page()

begin_page ( $page)

◆ circle()

circle ( $xcoord,
$linewidth )

◆ circle_fill()

circle_fill ( $xcoord,
$border = false )

◆ close()

close ( )

◆ encode_ISOLatin1()

encode_ISOLatin1 ( $var = true)

◆ end_page()

end_page ( )

◆ include_resource()

include_resource ( $res)

◆ insert_line()

insert_line ( $line)

◆ line()

line ( $xcoord_from = 0,
$ycoord_from = 0,
$xcoord_to = 0,
$ycoord_to = 0,
$linewidth = 0 )

◆ moveto()

moveto ( $xcoord,
$ycoord )

◆ moveto_font()

moveto_font ( $xcoord,
$font_size )

◆ open_ps()

open_ps ( $ps_file = "")

◆ postscript()

postscript ( $fname = "",
$author = "",
$title = "Generated with PSLib 0.4",
$orientation = "Portrait",
$fonts = "" )

◆ rect()

rect ( $xcoord_from,
$linewidth )

◆ rect_fill()

rect_fill ( $xcoord_from,
$border = false )

◆ rotate()

rotate ( $degrees)

◆ set_color()

set_color ( $red = -1,
$green = -1,
$blue = -1 )

◆ set_font()

set_font ( $font_name,
$font_size )

◆ show()

show ( $text,
$red = '',
$green = '',
$blue = '',
$justify = 'l' )

◆ show_eval()

show_eval ( $text)

◆ show_xy()

show_xy ( $text,
$red = '',
$green = '',
$blue = '',
$justify = 'l' )

◆ show_xy_font()

show_xy_font ( $text,
$red = '',
$green = '',
$blue = '',
$justify = 'l' )

Documentação dos campos e atributos

◆ $blue

$blue = -1

◆ $filename


◆ $fonts


◆ $fp


◆ $green

$green = -1

◆ $ISOLatin1

$ISOLatin1 = true

◆ $page

$page = 1

◆ $red

$red = -1

◆ $resources


◆ $string

$string = ""

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