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 Cpdf ($pageSize=array(0, 0, 612, 792))
 __construct ($pageSize=array(0, 0, 612, 792))
 o_destination ($id, $action, $options='')
 o_viewerPreferences ($id, $action, $options='')
 o_catalog ($id, $action, $options='')
 o_pages ($id, $action, $options='')
 o_outlines ($id, $action, $options='')
 o_font ($id, $action, $options='')
 o_fontDescriptor ($id, $action, $options='')
 o_fontEncoding ($id, $action, $options='')
 o_procset ($id, $action, $options='')
 o_info ($id, $action, $options='')
 o_action ($id, $action, $options='')
 o_annotation ($id, $action, $options='')
 o_page ($id, $action, $options='')
 o_contents ($id, $action, $options='')
 o_image ($id, $action, $options='')
 o_extGState ($id, $action, $options="")
 o_encryption ($id, $action, $options='')
 md5_16 ($string)
 encryptInit ($id)
 ARC4_init ($key='')
 ARC4 ($text)
 addLink ($url, $x0, $y0, $x1, $y1)
 addInternalLink ($label, $x0, $y0, $x1, $y1)
 setEncryption ($userPass='', $ownerPass='', $pc=array())
 checkAllHere ()
 output ($debug=0)
 newDocument ($pageSize=array(0, 0, 612, 792))
 openFont ($font)
 selectFont ($fontName, $encoding='', $set=1)
 setCurrentFont ()
 getFirstPageId ()
 addContent ($content)
 setColor ($r, $g, $b, $force=0)
 setStrokeColor ($r, $g, $b, $force=0)
 setGraphicsState ($parameters)
 setLineTransparency ($mode, $opacity)
 setFillTransparency ($mode, $opacity)
 line ($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2)
 curve ($x0, $y0, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $x3, $y3)
 partEllipse ($x0, $y0, $astart, $afinish, $r1, $r2=0, $angle=0, $nSeg=8)
 filledEllipse ($x0, $y0, $r1, $r2=0, $angle=0, $nSeg=8, $astart=0, $afinish=360)
 ellipse ($x0, $y0, $r1, $r2=0, $angle=0, $nSeg=8, $astart=0, $afinish=360, $close=1, $fill=0)
 setLineStyle ($width=1, $cap='', $join='', $dash='', $phase=0)
 polygon ($p, $np, $f=0)
 filledRectangle ($x1, $y1, $width, $height)
 rectangle ($x1, $y1, $width, $height)
 newPage ($insert=0, $id=0, $pos='after')
 stream ($options='')
 getFontHeight ($size)
 getFontDecender ($size)
 filterText ($text)
 PRVTgetTextPosition ($x, $y, $angle, $size, $wa, $text)
 PRVTcheckTextDirective (&$text, $i, &$f)
 PRVTcheckTextDirective1 (&$text, $i, &$f, $final, &$x, &$y, $size=0, $angle=0, $wordSpaceAdjust=0)
 addText ($x, $y, $size, $text, $angle=0, $wordSpaceAdjust=0)
 getTextWidth ($size, $text, $spacing=0)
 PRVTadjustWrapText ($text, $actual, $width, &$x, &$adjust, $justification)
 addTextWrap ($x, $y, $width, $size, $text, $justification='left', $angle=0, $test=0)
 saveState ($pageEnd=0)
 restoreState ($pageEnd=0)
 openObject ()
 reopenObject ($id)
 closeObject ()
 stopObject ($id)
 addObject ($id, $options='add')
 serializeObject ($id)
 restoreSerializedObject ($obj)
 addInfo ($label, $value=0)
 setPreferences ($label, $value=0)
 PRVT_getBytes (&$data, $pos, $num)
 addPngFromFile ($file, $x, $y, $w=0, $h=0)
 addJpegFromFile ($img, $x, $y, $w=0, $h=0)
 addImage (&$img, $x, $y, $w=0, $h=0, $quality=75)
 addJpegImage_common (&$data, $x, $y, $w=0, $h=0, $imageWidth, $imageHeight, $channels=3)
 openHere ($style, $a=0, $b=0, $c=0)
 addDestination ($label, $style, $a=0, $b=0, $c=0)
 setFontFamily ($family, $options='')
 addMessage ($message)
 transaction ($action)
 cpdf ($pageSize=array(0, 0, 612, 792))
 __construct ($pageSize=array(0, 0, 612, 792))
 o_destination ($id, $action, $options='')
 o_viewerPreferences ($id, $action, $options='')
 o_catalog ($id, $action, $options='')
 o_pages ($id, $action, $options='')
 o_outlines ($id, $action, $options='')
 o_font ($id, $action, $options='')
 o_fontDescriptor ($id, $action, $options='')
 o_fontEncoding ($id, $action, $options='')
 o_procset ($id, $action, $options='')
 o_info ($id, $action, $options='')
 o_action ($id, $action, $options='')
 o_annotation ($id, $action, $options='')
 o_page ($id, $action, $options='')
 o_contents ($id, $action, $options='')
 o_image ($id, $action, $options='')
 o_encryption ($id, $action, $options='')
 md5_16 ($string)
 encryptInit ($id)
 ARC4_init ($key='')
 ARC4 ($text)
 addLink ($url, $x0, $y0, $x1, $y1)
 addInternalLink ($label, $x0, $y0, $x1, $y1)
 setEncryption ($userPass='', $ownerPass='', $pc=array())
 checkAllHere ()
 output ($debug=0)
 newDocument ($pageSize=array(0, 0, 612, 792))
 openFont ($font)
 selectFont ($fontName, $encoding='', $set=1)
 setCurrentFont ()
 getFirstPageId ()
 addContent ($content)
 setColor ($r, $g, $b, $force=0)
 setStrokeColor ($r, $g, $b, $force=0)
 line ($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2)
 curve ($x0, $y0, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $x3, $y3)
 partEllipse ($x0, $y0, $astart, $afinish, $r1, $r2=0, $angle=0, $nSeg=8)
 filledEllipse ($x0, $y0, $r1, $r2=0, $angle=0, $nSeg=8, $astart=0, $afinish=360)
 ellipse ($x0, $y0, $r1, $r2=0, $angle=0, $nSeg=8, $astart=0, $afinish=360, $close=1, $fill=0)
 setLineStyle ($width=1, $cap='', $join='', $dash='', $phase=0)
 polygon ($p, $np, $f=0)
 filledRectangle ($x1, $y1, $width, $height)
 rectangle ($x1, $y1, $width, $height)
 newPage ($insert=0, $id=0, $pos='after')
 stream ($options='')
 getFontHeight ($size)
 getFontDecender ($size)
 filterText ($text)
 PRVTgetTextPosition ($x, $y, $angle, $size, $wa, $text)
 PRVTcheckTextDirective (&$text, $i, &$f)
 PRVTcheckTextDirective1 (&$text, $i, &$f, $final, &$x, &$y, $size=0, $angle=0, $wordSpaceAdjust=0)
 addText ($x, $y, $size, $text, $angle=0, $wordSpaceAdjust=0)
 getTextWidth ($size, $text)
 PRVTadjustWrapText ($text, $actual, $width, &$x, &$adjust, $justification)
 addTextWrap ($x, $y, $width, $size, $text, $justification='left', $angle=0, $test=0)
 saveState ($pageEnd=0)
 restoreState ($pageEnd=0)
 openObject ()
 reopenObject ($id)
 closeObject ()
 stopObject ($id)
 addObject ($id, $options='add')
 addInfo ($label, $value=0)
 setPreferences ($label, $value=0)
 PRVT_getBytes (&$data, $pos, $num)
 addPngFromFile ($file, $x, $y, $w=0, $h=0)
 addJpegFromFile ($img, $x, $y, $w=0, $h=0)
 addImage (&$img, $x, $y, $w=0, $h=0, $quality=75)
 addJpegImage_common (&$data, $x, $y, $w=0, $h=0, $imageWidth, $imageHeight, $channels=3)
 openHere ($style, $a=0, $b=0, $c=0)
 addDestination ($label, $style, $a=0, $b=0, $c=0)
 setFontFamily ($family, $options='')
 addMessage ($message)
 transaction ($action)
 setFontsPath ($path)

Campos de Dados

 $numObj = 0
 $objects = array()
 $fonts = array()
 $currentFont = ''
 $currentBaseFont = ''
 $currentFontNum = 0
 $numFonts = 0
 $currentColour = array('r'=>-1, 'g'=>-1, 'b'=>-1)
 $currentStrokeColour = array('r'=>-1, 'g'=>-1, 'b'=>-1)
 $currentLineStyle = ''
 $currentLineTransparency = array("mode" => "Normal", "opacity" => 1.0)
 $currentFillTransparency = array("mode" => "Normal", "opacity" => 1.0)
 $stateStack = array()
 $nStateStack = 0
 $numPages = 0
 $stack = array()
 $nStack = 0
 $looseObjects = array()
 $addLooseObjects = array()
 $infoObject = 0
 $numImages = 0
 $options = array('compression'=>1)
 $wordSpaceAdjust = 0
 $fontFamilies = array()
 $currentTextState = ''
 $messages = ''
 $arc4 = ''
 $arc4_objnum = 0
 $fileIdentifier = ''
 $encrypted = 0
 $encryptionKey = ''
 $callback = array()
 $nCallback = 0
 $destinations = array()
 $checkpoint = ''

Documentação dos Construtores & Destrutor

◆ __construct() [1/2]

__construct ( $pageSize = array(0, 0, 612, 792))

◆ __construct() [2/2]

__construct ( $pageSize = array(0, 0, 612, 792))

Documentação das funções

◆ addContent() [1/2]

addContent ( $content)

add content to the currently active object

@access private

◆ addContent() [2/2]

addContent ( $content)

add content to the currently active object

@access private

◆ addDestination() [1/2]

addDestination ( $label,
$a = 0,
$b = 0,
$c = 0 )

create a labelled destination within the document

◆ addDestination() [2/2]

addDestination ( $label,
$a = 0,
$b = 0,
$c = 0 )

create a labelled destination within the document

◆ addImage() [1/2]

addImage ( & $img,
$w = 0,
$h = 0,
$quality = 75 )

add an image into the document, from a GD object this function is not all that reliable, and I would probably encourage people to use the file based functions

◆ addImage() [2/2]

addImage ( & $img,
$w = 0,
$h = 0,
$quality = 75 )

add an image into the document, from a GD object this function is not all that reliable, and I would probably encourage people to use the file based functions

◆ addInfo() [1/2]

addInfo ( $label,
$value = 0 )

add content to the documents info object

◆ addInfo() [2/2]

addInfo ( $label,
$value = 0 )

add content to the documents info object

◆ addInternalLink() [1/2]

addInternalLink ( $label,
$y1 )

add a link in the document to an internal destination (ie. within the document)

◆ addInternalLink() [2/2]

addInternalLink ( $label,
$y1 )

add a link in the document to an internal destination (ie. within the document)

◆ addJpegFromFile() [1/2]

addJpegFromFile ( $img,
$w = 0,
$h = 0 )

add a JPEG image into the document, from a file

◆ addJpegFromFile() [2/2]

addJpegFromFile ( $img,
$w = 0,
$h = 0 )

add a JPEG image into the document, from a file

◆ addJpegImage_common() [1/2]

addJpegImage_common ( & $data,
$w = 0,
$h = 0,
$channels = 3 )

common code used by the two JPEG adding functions

@access private

◆ addJpegImage_common() [2/2]

addJpegImage_common ( & $data,
$w = 0,
$h = 0,
$channels = 3 )

common code used by the two JPEG adding functions

@access private

◆ addLink() [1/2]

addLink ( $url,
$y1 )

functions which can be called to adjust or add to the document add a link in the document to an external URL

◆ addLink() [2/2]

addLink ( $url,
$y1 )

functions which can be called to adjust or add to the document add a link in the document to an external URL

◆ addMessage() [1/2]

addMessage ( $message)

used to add messages for use in debugging

◆ addMessage() [2/2]

addMessage ( $message)

used to add messages for use in debugging

◆ addObject() [1/2]

addObject ( $id,
$options = 'add' )

after an object has been created, it wil only show if it has been added, using this function.

◆ addObject() [2/2]

addObject ( $id,
$options = 'add' )

after an object has been created, it wil only show if it has been added, using this function.

◆ addPngFromFile() [1/2]

addPngFromFile ( $file,
$w = 0,
$h = 0 )

add a PNG image into the document, from a file this should work with remote files

◆ addPngFromFile() [2/2]

addPngFromFile ( $file,
$w = 0,
$h = 0 )

add a PNG image into the document, from a file this should work with remote files

◆ addText() [1/2]

addText ( $x,
$angle = 0,
$wordSpaceAdjust = 0 )

add text to the document, at a specified location, size and angle on the page

◆ addText() [2/2]

addText ( $x,
$angle = 0,
$wordSpaceAdjust = 0 )

add text to the document, at a specified location, size and angle on the page

◆ addTextWrap() [1/2]

addTextWrap ( $x,
$justification = 'left',
$angle = 0,
$test = 0 )

add text to the page, but ensure that it fits within a certain width if it does not fit then put in as much as possible, splitting at word boundaries and return the remainder. justification and angle can also be specified for the text

◆ addTextWrap() [2/2]

addTextWrap ( $x,
$justification = 'left',
$angle = 0,
$test = 0 )

add text to the page, but ensure that it fits within a certain width if it does not fit then put in as much as possible, splitting at word boundaries and return the remainder. justification and angle can also be specified for the text

◆ ARC4() [1/2]

ARC4 ( $text)

ARC4 encrypt a text string

◆ ARC4() [2/2]

ARC4 ( $text)

ARC4 encrypt a text string

◆ ARC4_init() [1/2]

ARC4_init ( $key = '')

initialize the ARC4 encryption

◆ ARC4_init() [2/2]

ARC4_init ( $key = '')

initialize the ARC4 encryption

◆ checkAllHere() [1/2]

checkAllHere ( )

should be used for internal checks, not implemented as yet

◆ checkAllHere() [2/2]

checkAllHere ( )

should be used for internal checks, not implemented as yet

◆ closeObject() [1/2]

closeObject ( )

close an object

◆ closeObject() [2/2]

closeObject ( )

close an object

◆ Cpdf()

Cpdf ( $pageSize = array(0, 0, 612, 792))

◆ cpdf()

cpdf ( $pageSize = array(0, 0, 612, 792))

◆ curve() [1/2]

curve ( $x0,
$y3 )

draw a bezier curve based on 4 control points

◆ curve() [2/2]

curve ( $x0,
$y3 )

draw a bezier curve based on 4 control points

◆ ellipse() [1/2]

ellipse ( $x0,
$r2 = 0,
$angle = 0,
$nSeg = 8,
$astart = 0,
$afinish = 360,
$close = 1,
$fill = 0 )

draw an ellipse note that the part and filled ellipse are just special cases of this function

draws an ellipse in the current line style centered at $x0,$y0, radii $r1,$r2 if $r2 is not set, then a circle is drawn nSeg is not allowed to be less than 2, as this will simply draw a line (and will even draw a pretty crappy shape at 2, as we are approximating with bezier curves.

◆ ellipse() [2/2]

ellipse ( $x0,
$r2 = 0,
$angle = 0,
$nSeg = 8,
$astart = 0,
$afinish = 360,
$close = 1,
$fill = 0 )

draw an ellipse note that the part and filled ellipse are just special cases of this function

draws an ellipse in the current line style centered at $x0,$y0, radii $r1,$r2 if $r2 is not set, then a circle is drawn nSeg is not allowed to be less than 2, as this will simply draw a line (and will even draw a pretty crappy shape at 2, as we are approximating with bezier curves.

◆ encryptInit() [1/2]

encryptInit ( $id)

initialize the encryption for processing a particular object

◆ encryptInit() [2/2]

encryptInit ( $id)

initialize the encryption for processing a particular object

◆ filledEllipse() [1/2]

filledEllipse ( $x0,
$r2 = 0,
$angle = 0,
$nSeg = 8,
$astart = 0,
$afinish = 360 )

draw a filled ellipse

◆ filledEllipse() [2/2]

filledEllipse ( $x0,
$r2 = 0,
$angle = 0,
$nSeg = 8,
$astart = 0,
$afinish = 360 )

draw a filled ellipse

◆ filledRectangle() [1/2]

filledRectangle ( $x1,
$height )

a filled rectangle, note that it is the width and height of the rectangle which are the secondary paramaters, not the coordinates of the upper-right corner

◆ filledRectangle() [2/2]

filledRectangle ( $x1,
$height )

a filled rectangle, note that it is the width and height of the rectangle which are the secondary paramaters, not the coordinates of the upper-right corner

◆ filterText() [1/2]

filterText ( $text)

filter the text, this is applied to all text just before being inserted into the pdf document it escapes the various things that need to be escaped, and so on

@access private

◆ filterText() [2/2]

filterText ( $text)

filter the text, this is applied to all text just before being inserted into the pdf document it escapes the various things that need to be escaped, and so on

@access private

◆ getFirstPageId() [1/2]

getFirstPageId ( )

function for the user to find out what the ID is of the first page that was created during startup - useful if they wish to add something to it later.

◆ getFirstPageId() [2/2]

getFirstPageId ( )

function for the user to find out what the ID is of the first page that was created during startup - useful if they wish to add something to it later.

◆ getFontDecender() [1/2]

getFontDecender ( $size)

return the font decender, this will normally return a negative number if you add this number to the baseline, you get the level of the bottom of the font it is in the pdf user units

◆ getFontDecender() [2/2]

getFontDecender ( $size)

return the font decender, this will normally return a negative number if you add this number to the baseline, you get the level of the bottom of the font it is in the pdf user units

◆ getFontHeight() [1/2]

getFontHeight ( $size)

return the height in units of the current font in the given size

◆ getFontHeight() [2/2]

getFontHeight ( $size)

return the height in units of the current font in the given size

◆ getTextWidth() [1/2]

getTextWidth ( $size,
$text )

calculate how wide a given text string will be on a page, at a given size. this can be called externally, but is alse used by the other class functions

◆ getTextWidth() [2/2]

getTextWidth ( $size,
$spacing = 0 )

calculate how wide a given text string will be on a page, at a given size. this can be called externally, but is alse used by the other class functions

◆ line() [1/2]

line ( $x1,
$y2 )

draw a line from one set of coordinates to another

◆ line() [2/2]

line ( $x1,
$y2 )

draw a line from one set of coordinates to another

◆ md5_16() [1/2]

md5_16 ( $string)

ARC4 functions A series of function to implement ARC4 encoding in PHP calculate the 16 byte version of the 128 bit md5 digest of the string

◆ md5_16() [2/2]

md5_16 ( $string)

ARC4 functions A series of function to implement ARC4 encoding in PHP calculate the 16 byte version of the 128 bit md5 digest of the string

◆ newDocument() [1/2]

newDocument ( $pageSize = array(0, 0, 612, 792))

intialize a new document if this is called on an existing document results may be unpredictable, but the existing document would be lost at minimum this function is called automatically by the constructor function

@access private

◆ newDocument() [2/2]

newDocument ( $pageSize = array(0, 0, 612, 792))

intialize a new document if this is called on an existing document results may be unpredictable, but the existing document would be lost at minimum this function is called automatically by the constructor function

@access private

◆ newPage() [1/2]

newPage ( $insert = 0,
$id = 0,
$pos = 'after' )

add a new page to the document this also makes the new page the current active object

◆ newPage() [2/2]

newPage ( $insert = 0,
$id = 0,
$pos = 'after' )

add a new page to the document this also makes the new page the current active object

◆ o_action() [1/2]

o_action ( $id,
$options = '' )

an action object, used to link to URLS initially

◆ o_action() [2/2]

o_action ( $id,
$options = '' )

an action object, used to link to URLS initially

◆ o_annotation() [1/2]

o_annotation ( $id,
$options = '' )

an annotation object, this will add an annotation to the current page. initially will support just link annotations

◆ o_annotation() [2/2]

o_annotation ( $id,
$options = '' )

an annotation object, this will add an annotation to the current page. initially will support just link annotations

◆ o_catalog() [1/2]

o_catalog ( $id,
$options = '' )

define the document catalog, the overall controller for the document

◆ o_catalog() [2/2]

o_catalog ( $id,
$options = '' )

define the document catalog, the overall controller for the document

◆ o_contents() [1/2]

o_contents ( $id,
$options = '' )

the contents objects hold all of the content which appears on pages

◆ o_contents() [2/2]

o_contents ( $id,
$options = '' )

the contents objects hold all of the content which appears on pages

◆ o_destination() [1/2]

o_destination ( $id,
$options = '' )

Document object methods (internal use only)

There is about one object method for each type of object in the pdf document Each function has the same call list ($id,$action,$options). $id = the object ID of the object, or what it is to be if it is being created $action = a string specifying the action to be performed, though ALL must support: 'new' - create the object with the id $id 'out' - produce the output for the pdf object $options = optional, a string or array containing the various parameters for the object

These, in conjunction with the output function are the ONLY way for output to be produced within the pdf 'file'. destination object, used to specify the location for the user to jump to, presently on opening

◆ o_destination() [2/2]

o_destination ( $id,
$options = '' )

Document object methods (internal use only)

There is about one object method for each type of object in the pdf document Each function has the same call list ($id,$action,$options). $id = the object ID of the object, or what it is to be if it is being created $action = a string specifying the action to be performed, though ALL must support: 'new' - create the object with the id $id 'out' - produce the output for the pdf object $options = optional, a string or array containing the various parameters for the object

These, in conjunction with the output function are the ONLY way for output to be produced within the pdf 'file'. destination object, used to specify the location for the user to jump to, presently on opening

◆ o_encryption() [1/2]

o_encryption ( $id,
$options = '' )

encryption object.

◆ o_encryption() [2/2]

o_encryption ( $id,
$options = '' )

encryption object.

◆ o_extGState()

o_extGState ( $id,
$options = "" )

graphics state object

◆ o_font() [1/2]

o_font ( $id,
$options = '' )

an object to hold the font description

◆ o_font() [2/2]

o_font ( $id,
$options = '' )

an object to hold the font description

◆ o_fontDescriptor() [1/2]

o_fontDescriptor ( $id,
$options = '' )

a font descriptor, needed for including additional fonts

◆ o_fontDescriptor() [2/2]

o_fontDescriptor ( $id,
$options = '' )

a font descriptor, needed for including additional fonts

◆ o_fontEncoding() [1/2]

o_fontEncoding ( $id,
$options = '' )

the font encoding

◆ o_fontEncoding() [2/2]

o_fontEncoding ( $id,
$options = '' )

the font encoding

◆ o_image() [1/2]

o_image ( $id,
$options = '' )

an image object, will be an XObject in the document, includes description and data

◆ o_image() [2/2]

o_image ( $id,
$options = '' )

an image object, will be an XObject in the document, includes description and data

◆ o_info() [1/2]

o_info ( $id,
$options = '' )

define the document information

◆ o_info() [2/2]

o_info ( $id,
$options = '' )

define the document information

◆ o_outlines() [1/2]

o_outlines ( $id,
$options = '' )

define the outlines in the doc, empty for now

◆ o_outlines() [2/2]

o_outlines ( $id,
$options = '' )

define the outlines in the doc, empty for now

◆ o_page() [1/2]

o_page ( $id,
$options = '' )

a page object, it also creates a contents object to hold its contents

◆ o_page() [2/2]

o_page ( $id,
$options = '' )

a page object, it also creates a contents object to hold its contents

◆ o_pages() [1/2]

o_pages ( $id,
$options = '' )

object which is a parent to the pages in the document

◆ o_pages() [2/2]

o_pages ( $id,
$options = '' )

object which is a parent to the pages in the document

◆ o_procset() [1/2]

o_procset ( $id,
$options = '' )

the document procset, solves some problems with printing to old PS printers

◆ o_procset() [2/2]

o_procset ( $id,
$options = '' )

the document procset, solves some problems with printing to old PS printers

◆ o_viewerPreferences() [1/2]

o_viewerPreferences ( $id,
$options = '' )

set the viewer preferences

◆ o_viewerPreferences() [2/2]

o_viewerPreferences ( $id,
$options = '' )

set the viewer preferences

◆ openFont() [1/2]

openFont ( $font)

open the font file and return a php structure containing it. first check if this one has been done before and saved in a form more suited to php note that if a php serialized version does not exist it will try and make one, but will require write access to the directory to do it... it is MUCH faster to have these serialized files.

@access private

◆ openFont() [2/2]

openFont ( $font)

open the font file and return a php structure containing it. first check if this one has been done before and saved in a form more suited to php note that if a php serialized version does not exist it will try and make one, but will require write access to the directory to do it... it is MUCH faster to have these serialized files.

@access private

◆ openHere() [1/2]

openHere ( $style,
$a = 0,
$b = 0,
$c = 0 )

specify where the document should open when it first starts

◆ openHere() [2/2]

openHere ( $style,
$a = 0,
$b = 0,
$c = 0 )

specify where the document should open when it first starts

◆ openObject() [1/2]

openObject ( )

make a loose object, the output will go into this object, until it is closed, then will revert to the current one. this object will not appear until it is included within a page. the function will return the object number

◆ openObject() [2/2]

openObject ( )

make a loose object, the output will go into this object, until it is closed, then will revert to the current one. this object will not appear until it is included within a page. the function will return the object number

◆ output() [1/2]

output ( $debug = 0)

return the pdf stream as a string returned from the function

◆ output() [2/2]

output ( $debug = 0)

return the pdf stream as a string returned from the function

◆ partEllipse() [1/2]

partEllipse ( $x0,
$r2 = 0,
$angle = 0,
$nSeg = 8 )

draw a part of an ellipse

◆ partEllipse() [2/2]

partEllipse ( $x0,
$r2 = 0,
$angle = 0,
$nSeg = 8 )

draw a part of an ellipse

◆ polygon() [1/2]

polygon ( $p,
$f = 0 )

draw a polygon, the syntax for this is similar to the GD polygon command

◆ polygon() [2/2]

polygon ( $p,
$f = 0 )

draw a polygon, the syntax for this is similar to the GD polygon command

◆ PRVT_getBytes() [1/2]

PRVT_getBytes ( & $data,
$num )

extract an integer from a position in a byte stream

@access private

◆ PRVT_getBytes() [2/2]

PRVT_getBytes ( & $data,
$num )

extract an integer from a position in a byte stream

@access private

◆ PRVTadjustWrapText() [1/2]

PRVTadjustWrapText ( $text,
& $x,
& $adjust,
$justification )

do a part of the calculation for sorting out the justification of the text

@access private

◆ PRVTadjustWrapText() [2/2]

PRVTadjustWrapText ( $text,
& $x,
& $adjust,
$justification )

do a part of the calculation for sorting out the justification of the text

@access private

◆ PRVTcheckTextDirective() [1/2]

PRVTcheckTextDirective ( & $text,
& $f )

wrapper function for PRVTcheckTextDirective1

@access private

◆ PRVTcheckTextDirective() [2/2]

PRVTcheckTextDirective ( & $text,
& $f )

wrapper function for PRVTcheckTextDirective1

@access private

◆ PRVTcheckTextDirective1() [1/2]

PRVTcheckTextDirective1 ( & $text,
& $f,
& $x,
& $y,
$size = 0,
$angle = 0,
$wordSpaceAdjust = 0 )

checks if the text stream contains a control directive if so then makes some changes and returns the number of characters involved in the directive this has been re-worked to include everything neccesary to fins the current writing point, so that the location can be sent to the callback function if required if the directive does not require a font change, then $f should be set to 0

@access private

◆ PRVTcheckTextDirective1() [2/2]

PRVTcheckTextDirective1 ( & $text,
& $f,
& $x,
& $y,
$size = 0,
$angle = 0,
$wordSpaceAdjust = 0 )

checks if the text stream contains a control directive if so then makes some changes and returns the number of characters involved in the directive this has been re-worked to include everything neccesary to fins the current writing point, so that the location can be sent to the callback function if required if the directive does not require a font change, then $f should be set to 0

@access private

◆ PRVTgetTextPosition() [1/2]

PRVTgetTextPosition ( $x,
$text )

given a start position and information about how text is to be laid out, calculate where on the page the text will end

@access private

◆ PRVTgetTextPosition() [2/2]

PRVTgetTextPosition ( $x,
$text )

given a start position and information about how text is to be laid out, calculate where on the page the text will end

@access private

◆ rectangle() [1/2]

rectangle ( $x1,
$height )

draw a rectangle, note that it is the width and height of the rectangle which are the secondary paramaters, not the coordinates of the upper-right corner

◆ rectangle() [2/2]

rectangle ( $x1,
$height )

draw a rectangle, note that it is the width and height of the rectangle which are the secondary paramaters, not the coordinates of the upper-right corner

◆ reopenObject() [1/2]

reopenObject ( $id)

open an existing object for editing

◆ reopenObject() [2/2]

reopenObject ( $id)

open an existing object for editing

◆ restoreSerializedObject()

restoreSerializedObject ( $obj)

restore an object from its stored representation. returns its new object id.

◆ restoreState() [1/2]

restoreState ( $pageEnd = 0)

restore a previously saved state

◆ restoreState() [2/2]

restoreState ( $pageEnd = 0)

restore a previously saved state

◆ saveState() [1/2]

saveState ( $pageEnd = 0)

this will be called at a new page to return the state to what it was on the end of the previous page, before the stack was closed down This is to get around not being able to have open 'q' across pages

◆ saveState() [2/2]

saveState ( $pageEnd = 0)

this will be called at a new page to return the state to what it was on the end of the previous page, before the stack was closed down This is to get around not being able to have open 'q' across pages

◆ selectFont() [1/2]

selectFont ( $fontName,
$encoding = '',
$set = 1 )

if the font is not loaded then load it and make the required object else just make it the current font the encoding array can contain 'encoding'=> 'none','WinAnsiEncoding','MacRomanEncoding' or 'MacExpertEncoding' note that encoding='none' will need to be used for symbolic fonts and 'differences' => an array of mappings between numbers 0->255 and character names.

◆ selectFont() [2/2]

selectFont ( $fontName,
$encoding = '',
$set = 1 )

if the font is not loaded then load it and make the required object else just make it the current font the encoding array can contain 'encoding'=> 'none','WinAnsiEncoding','MacRomanEncoding' or 'MacExpertEncoding' note that encoding='none' will need to be used for symbolic fonts and 'differences' => an array of mappings between numbers 0->255 and character names.

◆ serializeObject()

serializeObject ( $id)

return a storable representation of a specific object

◆ setColor() [1/2]

setColor ( $r,
$force = 0 )

sets the colour for fill operations

◆ setColor() [2/2]

setColor ( $r,
$force = 0 )

sets the colour for fill operations

◆ setCurrentFont() [1/2]

setCurrentFont ( )

sets up the current font, based on the font families, and the current text state note that this system is quite flexible, a bold-italic font can be completely different to a italic-bold font, and even bold-bold will have to be defined within the family to have meaning This function is to be called whenever the currentTextState is changed, it will update the currentFont setting to whatever the appropriatte family one is. If the user calls selectFont themselves then that will reset the currentBaseFont, and the currentFont This function will change the currentFont to whatever it should be, but will not change the currentBaseFont.

@access private

◆ setCurrentFont() [2/2]

setCurrentFont ( )

sets up the current font, based on the font families, and the current text state note that this system is quite flexible, a font can be completely different to a font, and even will have to be defined within the family to have meaning This function is to be called whenever the currentTextState is changed, it will update the currentFont setting to whatever the appropriatte family one is. If the user calls selectFont themselves then that will reset the currentBaseFont, and the currentFont This function will change the currentFont to whatever it should be, but will not change the currentBaseFont.

@access private

◆ setEncryption() [1/2]

setEncryption ( $userPass = '',
$ownerPass = '',
$pc = array() )

set the encryption of the document can be used to turn it on and/or set the passwords which it will have. also the functions that the user will have are set here, such as print, modify, add

◆ setEncryption() [2/2]

setEncryption ( $userPass = '',
$ownerPass = '',
$pc = array(        ) )

set the encryption of the document can be used to turn it on and/or set the passwords which it will have. also the functions that the user will have are set here, such as print, modify, add

◆ setFillTransparency()

setFillTransparency ( $mode,
$opacity )

Set current blend mode & opacity for filled objects.

Valid blend modes are:

Normal, Multiply, Screen, Overlay, Darken, Lighten, ColorDogde, ColorBurn, HardLight, SoftLight, Difference, Exclusion

string$modethe blend mode to use
float$opacity0.0 fully transparent, 1.0 fully opaque

◆ setFontFamily() [1/2]

setFontFamily ( $family,
$options = '' )

define font families, this is used to initialize the font families for the default fonts and for the user to add new ones for their fonts. The default bahavious can be overridden should that be desired.

◆ setFontFamily() [2/2]

setFontFamily ( $family,
$options = '' )

define font families, this is used to initialize the font families for the default fonts and for the user to add new ones for their fonts. The default bahavious can be overridden should that be desired.

◆ setFontsPath()

setFontsPath ( $path)

◆ setGraphicsState()

setGraphicsState ( $parameters)

Set the graphics state for compositions

◆ setLineStyle() [1/2]

setLineStyle ( $width = 1,
$cap = '',
$join = '',
$dash = '',
$phase = 0 )

this sets the line drawing style. width, is the thickness of the line in user units cap is the type of cap to put on the line, values can be 'butt','round','square' where the diffference between 'square' and 'butt' is that 'square' projects a flat end past the end of the line. join can be 'miter', 'round', 'bevel' dash is an array which sets the dash pattern, is a series of length values, which are the lengths of the on and off dashes. (2) represents 2 on, 2 off, 2 on , 2 off ... (2,1) is 2 on, 1 off, 2 on, 1 off.. etc phase is a modifier on the dash pattern which is used to shift the point at which the pattern starts.

◆ setLineStyle() [2/2]

setLineStyle ( $width = 1,
$cap = '',
$join = '',
$dash = '',
$phase = 0 )

this sets the line drawing style. width, is the thickness of the line in user units cap is the type of cap to put on the line, values can be 'butt','round','square' where the diffference between 'square' and 'butt' is that 'square' projects a flat end past the end of the line. join can be 'miter', 'round', 'bevel' dash is an array which sets the dash pattern, is a series of length values, which are the lengths of the on and off dashes. (2) represents 2 on, 2 off, 2 on , 2 off ... (2,1) is 2 on, 1 off, 2 on, 1 off.. etc phase is a modifier on the dash pattern which is used to shift the point at which the pattern starts.

◆ setLineTransparency()

setLineTransparency ( $mode,
$opacity )

Set current blend mode & opacity for lines.

Valid blend modes are:

Normal, Multiply, Screen, Overlay, Darken, Lighten, ColorDogde, ColorBurn, HardLight, SoftLight, Difference, Exclusion

string$modethe blend mode to use
float$opacity0.0 fully transparent, 1.0 fully opaque

◆ setPreferences() [1/2]

setPreferences ( $label,
$value = 0 )

set the viewer preferences of the document, it is up to the browser to obey these.

◆ setPreferences() [2/2]

setPreferences ( $label,
$value = 0 )

set the viewer preferences of the document, it is up to the browser to obey these.

◆ setStrokeColor() [1/2]

setStrokeColor ( $r,
$force = 0 )

sets the colour for stroke operations

◆ setStrokeColor() [2/2]

setStrokeColor ( $r,
$force = 0 )

sets the colour for stroke operations

◆ stopObject() [1/2]

stopObject ( $id)

stop an object from appearing on pages from this point on

◆ stopObject() [2/2]

stopObject ( $id)

stop an object from appearing on pages from this point on

◆ stream() [1/2]

stream ( $options = '')

output the pdf code, streaming it to the browser the relevant headers are set so that hopefully the browser will recognise it

◆ stream() [2/2]

stream ( $options = '')

output the pdf code, streaming it to the browser the relevant headers are set so that hopefully the browser will recognise it

◆ transaction() [1/2]

transaction ( $action)

a few functions which should allow the document to be treated transactionally.

◆ transaction() [2/2]

transaction ( $action)

a few functions which should allow the document to be treated transactionally.

Documentação dos campos e atributos

◆ $addLooseObjects

$addLooseObjects = array()

array contains infomation about how the loose objects are to be added to the document

◆ $arc4

$arc4 = ''

the ancryption array for the document encryption is stored here

◆ $arc4_objnum

$arc4_objnum = 0

the object Id of the encryption information

◆ $callback

$callback = array()

array which forms a stack to keep track of nested callback functions

◆ $catalogId


the objectId (number within the objects array) of the document catalog

◆ $checkpoint

$checkpoint = ''

store the stack for the transaction commands, each item in here is a record of the values of all the publiciables within the class, so that the user can rollback at will (from each 'start' command) note that this includes the objects array, so these can be large.

store the stack for the transaction commands, each item in here is a record of the values of all the variables within the class, so that the user can rollback at will (from each 'start' command) note that this includes the objects array, so these can be large.

◆ $currentBaseFont

$currentBaseFont = ''

the current base font

◆ $currentColour

$currentColour = array('r'=>-1, 'g'=>-1, 'b'=>-1)

current colour for fill operations, defaults to inactive value, all three components should be between 0 and 1 inclusive when active

◆ $currentContents


object number of the currently active contents block

◆ $currentFillTransparency

$currentFillTransparency = array("mode" => "Normal", "opacity" => 1.0)

current fill transparency (partial graphics state)

◆ $currentFont

$currentFont = ''

a record of the current font

◆ $currentFontNum

$currentFontNum = 0

the number of the current font within the font array

◆ $currentLineStyle

$currentLineStyle = ''

current style that lines are drawn in

◆ $currentLineTransparency

$currentLineTransparency = array("mode" => "Normal", "opacity" => 1.0)

current line transparency (partial graphics state)

◆ $currentNode


◆ $currentPage


object number of the current page

◆ $currentStrokeColour

$currentStrokeColour = array('r'=>-1, 'g'=>-1, 'b'=>-1)

current colour for stroke operations (lines etc.)

◆ $currentTextState

$currentTextState = ''

track if the current font is bolded or italicised

◆ $destinations

$destinations = array()

store label->id pairs for named destinations, these will be used to replace internal links done this way so that destinations can be defined after the location that links to them

◆ $encrypted

$encrypted = 0

a flag to say if a document is to be encrypted or not

◆ $encryptionKey

$encryptionKey = ''

the ancryption key for the encryption of all the document content (structure is not encrypted)

◆ $fileIdentifier

$fileIdentifier = ''

the file identifier, used to uniquely identify a pdf document

◆ $firstPageId


the objectId of the first page of the document

◆ $fontFamilies

$fontFamilies = array()

store the information about the relationship between font families this used so that the code knows which font is the bold version of another font, etc. the value of this array is initialised in the constuctor function.

◆ $fonts

$fonts = array()

array carrying information about the fonts that the system currently knows about used to ensure that a font is not loaded twice, among other things

◆ $fonts_path


◆ $infoObject

$infoObject = 0

the objectId of the information object for the document this contains authorship, title etc.

◆ $looseObjects

$looseObjects = array()

an array which contains information about the objects which are not firmly attached to pages these have been added with the addObject function

◆ $messages

$messages = ''

messages are stored here during processing, these can be selected afterwards to give some useful debug information

◆ $nCallback

$nCallback = 0

the number of callback functions in the callback array

◆ $nStack

$nStack = 0

number of elements within the object Id storage stack

◆ $nStateStack

$nStateStack = 0

number of elements within the state stack

◆ $numFonts

$numFonts = 0

number of fonts within the system

◆ $numImages

$numImages = 0

number of images being tracked within the document

◆ $numObj

$numObj = 0

the current number of pdf objects in the document

◆ $numPages

$numPages = 0

number of page objects within the document

◆ $objects

$objects = array()

this array contains all of the pdf objects, ready for final assembly

◆ $options

$options = array('compression'=>1)

an array containing options about the document it defaults to turning on the compression of the objects

◆ $procsetObjectId


the object Id of the procset object

◆ $stack

$stack = array()

object Id storage stack

◆ $stateStack

$stateStack = array()

an array which is used to save the state of the document, mainly the colours and styles it is used to temporarily change to another state, the change back to what it was before

◆ $wordSpaceAdjust

$wordSpaceAdjust = 0

used to track the last used value of the inter-word spacing, this is so that it is known when the spacing is changed.

A documentação para esta classe foi gerada a partir dos seguintes ficheiros: