Membros públicos estáticos | |
static | clog ($args) |
static | cerror ($args) |
static | flog () |
static | NVL ($value1, $value2) |
static | ifNull ($value1, $value2, $value3) |
static | setIfNull (&$value1, $value2) |
static | setIfNotNull (&$value1, $value2) |
static | getBooleanValue ($value) |
static | removeSpaceChars ($value) |
static | copyDirectory ($sourceDir, $destinDir) |
static | removeDirectory ($directory, $empty=FALSE) |
static | getSystemTempDir () |
static | array_search_recursive ($needle, $haystack) |
static | getAjaxAction ($event, $args='') |
static | getAjaxActionArgs () |
static | isFirstAccessToPage () |
static | isFirstAccessToForm () |
static | isAjaxEvent () |
static | getDefaultEvent () |
static | getDefaultEventValue () |
static | getURLParameters () |
static | debug ($variable, $forceType=null) |
static | setRightClickAjaxAction ($control, $action) |
static | debugBacktrace ($limit=4) |
static | MDEBUG ($var, $append=false, $file=null) |
static | centralizedDiv ($content, $id=NULL) |
static | getBrowser () |
static |
Searches the array recursively for a given value and returns the corresponding key if successful.
string | $needle | |
array | $haystack |
static |
static |
Function to add information to firebug's console error and to Miolo's trace.
mixed | $message | Message to be shown |
static |
Function to add information to firebug's console and to Miolo's trace.
$message | string/array to be shown |
static |
string | $sourceDir | Diretorio de origem |
string | $destinDir | Diretorio de destino |
static |
static |
Display the back trace history.
integer | $limit | Limit of back trace history. |
static |
Function to add information log to /tmp/flog
$message | string/array to be shown |
static |
Generates a ajax function call with the given arguments. Use MUtil::getAjaxActionArgs() to get the given arguments on ajax request.
string | $event | PHP function to be called. |
array | $args | Arguments array. |
static |
static |
mixed | $value | valor a ser testado |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
Debug a var in /tmp/miolo_debug
Variable | $var | |
boolean | $append | make append content or not. |
static |
static |
string | $directory | Diretorio a ser removido |
boolean | $empty |
static |
mixed | $value | valor a ser substituido |
static |
static |
static |
Connect an AJAX function to the right click event upon the given control.
object | $control | The control to enable the right click action. |
string | $action | AJAX function. |