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Referência à classe Page_Frame_Decorator
Diagrama de heranças da classe Page_Frame_Decorator
Frame_Decorator Frame

Membros públicos

 __construct (Frame $frame, DOMPDF $dompdf)
 set_renderer ($renderer)
 get_renderer ()
 set_containing_block ($x=null, $y=null, $w=null, $h=null)
 is_full ()
 next_page ()
 table_reflow_start ()
 table_reflow_end ()
 check_forced_page_break (Frame $frame)
 check_page_break (Frame $frame)
 split ($frame=null)
- Membros públicos herdados de Frame_Decorator
 dispose ($recursive=false)
 copy (DomNode $node)
 deep_copy ()
 reset ()
 get_node ()
 get_id ()
 get_style ()
 get_original_style ()
 get_containing_block ($i=null)
 get_position ($i=null)
 get_margin_height ()
 get_margin_width ()
 get_padding_box ()
 get_border_box ()
 set_id ($id)
 set_style (Style $style)
 set_position ($x=null, $y=null)
 __toString ()
 prepend_child (Frame $child, $update_node=true)
 append_child (Frame $child, $update_node=true)
 insert_child_before (Frame $new_child, Frame $ref, $update_node=true)
 insert_child_after (Frame $new_child, Frame $ref, $update_node=true)
 remove_child (Frame $child, $update_node=true)
 get_parent ()
 get_first_child ()
 get_last_child ()
 get_prev_sibling ()
 get_next_sibling ()
 get_children ()
 get_subtree ()
 set_positioner (Positioner $posn)
 set_reflower (Frame_Reflower $reflower)
 get_reflower ()
 set_root (Frame $root)
 get_root ()
 find_block_parent ()
 position ()
 reflow ()
 get_min_max_width ()
- Membros públicos herdados de Frame
 __construct (DomNode $node)
 get_decorator ()
 set_decorator (Frame_Decorator $decorator)

Membros protegidos

 _page_break_allowed (Frame $frame)

Atributos Protegidos

- Atributos Protegidos herdados de Frame_Decorator
- Atributos Protegidos herdados de Frame

Documentação dos Construtores & Destrutor

◆ __construct()

__construct ( Frame $frame,
DOMPDF $dompdf )

Class constructor

Frame$framethe frame to decorate

Reimplementado de Frame_Decorator.

Documentação das funções

◆ _page_break_allowed()

_page_break_allowed ( Frame $frame)

Determine if a page break is allowed before $frame

Frame$framethe frame to check
bool true if a break is allowed, false otherwise

http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/page.html#allowed-page-breaks /* In the normal flow, page breaks can occur at the following places:

  1. In the vertical margin between block boxes. When a page break occurs here, the used values of the relevant 'margin-top' and 'margin-bottom' properties are set to '0'.
  2. Between line boxes inside a block box.

These breaks are subject to the following rules:

  • Rule A: Breaking at (1) is allowed only if the 'page-break-after' and 'page-break-before' properties of all the elements generating boxes that meet at this margin allow it, which is when at least one of them has the value 'always', 'left', or 'right', or when all of them are 'auto'.
  • Rule B: However, if all of them are 'auto' and the nearest common ancestor of all the elements has a 'page-break-inside' value of 'avoid', then breaking here is not allowed.
  • Rule C: Breaking at (2) is allowed only if the number of line boxes between the break and the start of the enclosing block box is the value of 'orphans' or more, and the number of line boxes between the break and the end of the box is the value of 'widows' or more.
  • Rule D: In addition, breaking at (2) is allowed only if the 'page-break-inside' property is 'auto'.

If the above doesn't provide enough break points to keep content from overflowing the page boxes, then rules B and D are dropped in order to find additional breakpoints.

If that still does not lead to sufficient break points, rules A and C are dropped as well, to find still more break points.


We will also allow breaks between table rows. However, when splitting a table, the table headers should carry over to the next page (but they don't yet).

◆ check_forced_page_break()

check_forced_page_break ( Frame $frame)

Check if a forced page break is required before $frame. This uses the frame's page_break_before property as well as the preceeding frame's page_break_after property.

Frame $frame the frame to check bool true if a page break occured

◆ check_page_break()

check_page_break ( Frame $frame)

Check if $frame will fit on the page. If the frame does not fit, the frame tree is modified so that a page break occurs in the correct location.

Frame$framethe frame to check
Frame the frame following the page break

◆ get_renderer()

get_renderer ( )

Return the renderer used for this pdf


◆ is_full()

is_full ( )

Returns true if the page is full and is no longer accepting frames.


◆ next_page()

next_page ( )

Start a new page by resetting the full flag.

◆ set_containing_block()

set_containing_block ( $x = null,
$y = null,
$w = null,
$h = null )

Set the frame's containing block. Overridden to set $this->_bottom_page_margin.


Reimplementado de Frame_Decorator.

◆ set_renderer()

set_renderer ( $renderer)

Set the renderer used for this pdf

Renderer$rendererthe renderer to use

◆ split()

split ( $child = null)

split this frame at $child.

The current frame is cloned and $child and all children following $child are added to the clone. The clone is then passed to the current frame's parent->split() method.


Reimplementado de Frame_Decorator.

◆ table_reflow_end()

table_reflow_end ( )

Indicate to the page that table reflow is finished.

◆ table_reflow_start()

table_reflow_start ( )

Indicate to the page that a table is currently being reflowed.

Documentação dos campos e atributos

◆ $_bottom_page_margin


◆ $_in_table


◆ $_page_full


◆ $_renderer


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