Membros públicos | |
__construct ($name=NULL, $value='', $label='', $buttons=NULL) | |
addCustomButton ($label, $command, $icon) | |
setButtons ($buttons) | |
setLanguage ($lang) | |
setColor ($color) | |
setConfigValue ($key, $value) | |
getConfigValue ($key) | |
getConfig () | |
setConfig ($config) | |
disableElementsPath () | |
enableElementsPath () | |
generate () | |
![]() | |
__construct ( $name='', $value='', $label='', $size=20, $rows=1, $cols=20, $hint='', $validator=null) | |
setHtmlEditor ($plugins="['undo','redo','|','cut','copy','paste','|','bold','italic','underline','|','insertOrderedList','insertUnorderedList','|','justifyLeft','justifyRight','justifyCenter','justifyFull','|','fontSize']") | |
![]() | |
__construct ( $name='', $value='', $label='', $size=10, $hint='', $validator=NULL, $isReadOnly=false) | |
getValidator () | |
setValidator ( $value) | |
addMask ( $mask, $optional=true, $msg='') | |
generateInner () | |
![]() | |
__construct ( $name, $value, $label='', $color='', $hint='') | |
setAutoPostBack ( $value) | |
generateLabel () | |
getOnClick ($action, $attr, $optional) | |
![]() | |
setValue ( $value) | |
getValue () | |
setSubmittedValue () | |
setLabel ( $label) | |
setFormMode ( $mode) | |
setReadOnly ( $status) | |
setPlaceholder ( $placeholder) | |
![]() | |
__construct ( $name=NULL) | |
setName ($name) | |
setId ($id) | |
getId () | |
getName () | |
getUniqueId () | |
__clone () | |
__set ( $name, $value) | |
__get ( $name) | |
setClass ($cssClass, $add=TRUE) | |
insertClass ( $cssClass) | |
addStyleFile ( $styleFile) | |
getClass () | |
addStyle ($name, $value) | |
setStyle ($style) | |
getStyle () | |
getBoxStyle () | |
setPosition ($left, $top, $position='absolute') | |
setWidth ($value) | |
setHeight ($value) | |
setVisibility ($value) | |
setFont ($value) | |
getBox () | |
setBoxId ( $id) | |
setBoxClass ( $cssClass, $add=true) | |
getBoxClass () | |
setBoxAttributes ($attr) | |
getBoxAttributes () | |
generateBox ( $content) | |
addAttribute ( $name, $value='') | |
setAttribute ( $name, $value) | |
getAttribute ( $name) | |
setAttributes ($attr) | |
attributes ( $mergeDuplicates=false) | |
getAttributes ( $mergeDuplicates=false) | |
setEnabled ($state) | |
setJsHint ( $hint) | |
setHint ( $hint) | |
setCaption ($caption) | |
setHTMLTitle ($title) | |
addBoxStyle ($name, $value) | |
eventHandler () | |
attachEventHandler ( $name, $handler, $param=NULL) | |
addEvent ($event, $handler, $preventDefault=true) | |
hasEvent ($event) | |
generateEvent () | |
setContent ($inner) | |
setInner ($inner) | |
getInner () | |
getRender ( $method) | |
getInnerToString () | |
getCSSP () | |
__toString () | |
![]() | |
getManager () | |
Campos de Dados | |
const | BUTTON_SOURCE = 'Source' |
const | BUTTON_SAVE = 'Save' |
const | BUTTON_NEW_PAGE = 'NewPage' |
const | BUTTON_PREVIEW = 'Preview' |
const | BUTTON_TEMPLATES = 'Templates' |
const | BUTTON_CUT = 'Cut' |
const | BUTTON_COPY = 'Copy' |
const | BUTTON_PASTE = 'Paste' |
const | BUTTON_PASTE_TEXT = 'PasteText' |
const | BUTTON_PASTE_FROM_WORD = 'PasteFromWord' |
const | BUTTON_PRINT = 'Print' |
const | BUTTON_SPELL_CHECKER = 'SpellChecker' |
const | BUTTON_SCAYT = 'Scayt' |
const | BUTTON_UNDO = 'Undo' |
const | BUTTON_REDO = 'Redo' |
const | BUTTON_FIND = 'Find' |
const | BUTTON_REPLACE = 'Replace' |
const | BUTTON_SELECT_ALL = 'SelectAll' |
const | BUTTON_REMOVE_FORMAT = 'RemoveFormat' |
const | BUTTON_FORM = 'Form' |
const | BUTTON_CHECKBOX = 'Checkbox' |
const | BUTTON_RADIO = 'Radio' |
const | BUTTON_TEXT_FIELD = 'TextField' |
const | BUTTON_TEXT_AREA = 'Textarea' |
const | BUTTON_SELECT = 'Select' |
const | BUTTON_BUTTON = 'Button' |
const | BUTTON_IMAGE_BUTTON = 'ImageButton' |
const | BUTTON_HIDDEN_FIELD = 'HiddenField' |
const | BUTTON_BIDI_LTR = 'BidiLtr' |
const | BUTTON_BIDI_RTL = 'BidiRtl' |
const | BUTTON_BOLD = 'Bold' |
const | BUTTON_ITALIC = 'Italic' |
const | BUTTON_UNDERLINE = 'Underline' |
const | BUTTON_STRIKE = 'Strike' |
const | BUTTON_SUBSCRIPT = 'Subscript' |
const | BUTTON_SUPERSCRIPT = 'Superscript' |
const | BUTTON_NUMBERED_LIST = 'NumberedList' |
const | BUTTON_BULLETED_LIST = 'BulletedList' |
const | BUTTON_OUTDENT = 'Outdent' |
const | BUTTON_INDENT = 'Indent' |
const | BUTTON_BLOCKQUOTE = 'Blockquote' |
const | BUTTON_CREATE_DIV = 'CreateDiv' |
const | BUTTON_JUSTIFY_LEFT = 'JustifyLeft' |
const | BUTTON_JUSTIFY_CENTER = 'JustifyCenter' |
const | BUTTON_JUSTIFY_RIGHT = 'JustifyRight' |
const | BUTTON_JUSTIFY_BLOCK = 'JustifyBlock' |
const | BUTTON_LINK = 'Link' |
const | BUTTON_UNLINK = 'Unlink' |
const | BUTTON_ANCHOR = 'Anchor' |
const | BUTTON_IMAGE = 'Image' |
const | BUTTON_FLASH = 'Flash' |
const | BUTTON_TABLE = 'Table' |
const | BUTTON_HORIZONTAL_RULE = 'HorizontalRule' |
const | BUTTON_SMILEY = 'Smiley' |
const | BUTTON_SPECIAL_CHAR = 'SpecialChar' |
const | BUTTON_PAGE_BREAK = 'PageBreak' |
const | BUTTON_STYLES = 'Styles' |
const | BUTTON_FORMAT = 'Format' |
const | BUTTON_FONT = 'Font' |
const | BUTTON_FONT_SIZE = 'FontSize' |
const | BUTTON_TEXT_COLOR = 'TextColor' |
const | BUTTON_BG_COLOR = 'BGColor' |
const | BUTTON_MAXIMIZE = 'Maximize' |
const | BUTTON_SHOW_BLOCKS = 'ShowBlocks' |
const | BUTTON_ABOUT = 'About' |
const | BUTTON_SEPARATOR = '-' |
const | BUTTON_CUSTOM_BUTTON = 'custombutton' |
![]() | |
$size | |
$type | |
$validator | |
$rows | |
$cols | |
$mask | |
![]() | |
$autoPostBack | |
$validator | |
![]() | |
$label | |
$showLabel | |
const | ALIGN_CENTER = 'center' |
const | ALIGN_LEFT = 'left' |
const | ALIGN_RIGHT = 'right' |
const | LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL = 'horizontal' |
const | LAYOUT_VERTICAL = 'vertical' |
$form | |
$formName | |
$controlBox | |
$box | |
$value | |
![]() | |
$id | |
$uniqueId | |
$enabled | |
$style | |
$attrs | |
$attributes | |
$maintainState | |
$readonly | |
$visible | |
$caption | |
$jsHint | |
$hint | |
$cssp | |
$inner | |
$parent | |
$eventHandlers | |
$painter | |
$event | |
$formId | |
const | ALIGN_CENTER = 'center' |
const | ALIGN_LEFT = 'left' |
const | ALIGN_RIGHT = 'right' |
const | FORM_MODE_WHOLE_ROW = 0 |
const | FORM_MODE_SHOW_SIDE = 1 |
const | FORM_MODE_SHOW_ABOVE = 2 |
const | FORM_MODE_SHOW_NBSP = 3 |
$formMode | |
![]() | |
$manager | |
$page | |
$owner | |
$name | |
$className | |
Outros membros herdados | |
![]() | |
static | $_number = 0 |
![]() | |
generateLabelMode ($label) | |
![]() | |
_addStyle ($name, $value) | |
__construct | ( | $name = NULL, | |
$value = '', | |||
$label = '', | |||
$buttons = NULL ) |
addCustomButton | ( | $label, | |
$command, | |||
$icon ) |
Create a custom button on toolbar
string | $label | Button label. |
string | $command | Javascript code. It can use the parameter editor to maniulate the CKEDITOR instance. |
string | $icon | Image URL (16x16). |
disableElementsPath | ( | ) |
Disable tag visualization on the bottom bar. It adds elementsPath to removePlugins configuration.
enableElementsPath | ( | ) |
Enable tag visualization on the bottom bar.
generate | ( | ) |
Parse the configuration array to json format and call the parent's generate method
Reimplementado de MControl.
getConfig | ( | ) |
getConfigValue | ( | $key | ) |
string | $key | Configuration parameter |
setButtons | ( | $buttons | ) |
Set the component toolbar buttons. You must inform a matrix with the BUTTON_* constants.
array | $buttons |
setColor | ( | $color | ) |
setConfig | ( | $config | ) |
array | $config | Set the whole configuration array |
setConfigValue | ( | $key, | |
$value ) |
Set a value to a configuration parameter. You can check the possible configurations here: http://docs.cksource.com/CKEditor_3.x/Developers_Guide
string | $key | Configuration parameter |
string | $value | Configuration value |
setLanguage | ( | $lang | ) |
string | $lang | Set the language |
const BUTTON_ABOUT = 'About' |
const BUTTON_ANCHOR = 'Anchor' |
const BUTTON_BG_COLOR = 'BGColor' |
const BUTTON_BIDI_LTR = 'BidiLtr' |
const BUTTON_BIDI_RTL = 'BidiRtl' |
const BUTTON_BLOCKQUOTE = 'Blockquote' |
const BUTTON_BOLD = 'Bold' |
const BUTTON_BULLETED_LIST = 'BulletedList' |
const BUTTON_BUTTON = 'Button' |
const BUTTON_CHECKBOX = 'Checkbox' |
const BUTTON_COPY = 'Copy' |
const BUTTON_CREATE_DIV = 'CreateDiv' |
const BUTTON_CUSTOM_BUTTON = 'custombutton' |
const BUTTON_CUT = 'Cut' |
const BUTTON_FIND = 'Find' |
const BUTTON_FLASH = 'Flash' |
const BUTTON_FONT = 'Font' |
const BUTTON_FONT_SIZE = 'FontSize' |
const BUTTON_FORM = 'Form' |
const BUTTON_FORMAT = 'Format' |
const BUTTON_HIDDEN_FIELD = 'HiddenField' |
const BUTTON_HORIZONTAL_RULE = 'HorizontalRule' |
const BUTTON_IMAGE = 'Image' |
const BUTTON_IMAGE_BUTTON = 'ImageButton' |
const BUTTON_INDENT = 'Indent' |
const BUTTON_ITALIC = 'Italic' |
const BUTTON_JUSTIFY_BLOCK = 'JustifyBlock' |
const BUTTON_JUSTIFY_CENTER = 'JustifyCenter' |
const BUTTON_JUSTIFY_LEFT = 'JustifyLeft' |
const BUTTON_JUSTIFY_RIGHT = 'JustifyRight' |
const BUTTON_LINK = 'Link' |
const BUTTON_MAXIMIZE = 'Maximize' |
const BUTTON_NEW_PAGE = 'NewPage' |
const BUTTON_NUMBERED_LIST = 'NumberedList' |
const BUTTON_OUTDENT = 'Outdent' |
const BUTTON_PAGE_BREAK = 'PageBreak' |
const BUTTON_PASTE = 'Paste' |
const BUTTON_PASTE_FROM_WORD = 'PasteFromWord' |
const BUTTON_PASTE_TEXT = 'PasteText' |
const BUTTON_PREVIEW = 'Preview' |
const BUTTON_PRINT = 'Print' |
const BUTTON_RADIO = 'Radio' |
const BUTTON_REDO = 'Redo' |
const BUTTON_REMOVE_FORMAT = 'RemoveFormat' |
const BUTTON_REPLACE = 'Replace' |
const BUTTON_SAVE = 'Save' |
const BUTTON_SCAYT = 'Scayt' |
const BUTTON_SELECT = 'Select' |
const BUTTON_SELECT_ALL = 'SelectAll' |
const BUTTON_SEPARATOR = '-' |
const BUTTON_SHOW_BLOCKS = 'ShowBlocks' |
const BUTTON_SMILEY = 'Smiley' |
const BUTTON_SOURCE = 'Source' |
const BUTTON_SPECIAL_CHAR = 'SpecialChar' |
const BUTTON_SPELL_CHECKER = 'SpellChecker' |
const BUTTON_STRIKE = 'Strike' |
const BUTTON_STYLES = 'Styles' |
const BUTTON_SUBSCRIPT = 'Subscript' |
const BUTTON_SUPERSCRIPT = 'Superscript' |
const BUTTON_TABLE = 'Table' |
const BUTTON_TEMPLATES = 'Templates' |
const BUTTON_TEXT_AREA = 'Textarea' |
const BUTTON_TEXT_COLOR = 'TextColor' |
const BUTTON_TEXT_FIELD = 'TextField' |
const BUTTON_UNDERLINE = 'Underline' |
const BUTTON_UNDO = 'Undo' |
const BUTTON_UNLINK = 'Unlink' |