Membros públicos | |
__construct ( $name=NULL) | |
setName ($name) | |
setId ($id) | |
getId () | |
getName () | |
getUniqueId () | |
__clone () | |
__set ( $name, $value) | |
__get ( $name) | |
setClass ($cssClass, $add=TRUE) | |
insertClass ( $cssClass) | |
addStyleFile ( $styleFile) | |
getClass () | |
addStyle ($name, $value) | |
setStyle ($style) | |
getStyle () | |
getBoxStyle () | |
setPosition ($left, $top, $position='absolute') | |
setWidth ($value) | |
setHeight ($value) | |
setColor ($value) | |
setVisibility ($value) | |
setFont ($value) | |
getBox () | |
setBoxId ( $id) | |
setBoxClass ( $cssClass, $add=true) | |
getBoxClass () | |
setBoxAttributes ($attr) | |
getBoxAttributes () | |
generateBox ( $content) | |
addAttribute ( $name, $value='') | |
setAttribute ( $name, $value) | |
getAttribute ( $name) | |
setAttributes ($attr) | |
attributes ( $mergeDuplicates=false) | |
getAttributes ( $mergeDuplicates=false) | |
setReadOnly ($status) | |
setEnabled ($state) | |
setJsHint ( $hint) | |
setHint ( $hint) | |
setCaption ($caption) | |
setHTMLTitle ($title) | |
addBoxStyle ($name, $value) | |
eventHandler () | |
attachEventHandler ( $name, $handler, $param=NULL) | |
addEvent ($event, $handler, $preventDefault=true) | |
hasEvent ($event) | |
generateEvent () | |
setContent ($inner) | |
setInner ($inner) | |
getInner () | |
getRender ( $method) | |
getInnerToString () | |
getCSSP () | |
generateInner () | |
generate () | |
__toString () | |
![]() | |
getManager () | |
Campos de Dados | |
$id | |
$uniqueId | |
$enabled | |
$style | |
$attrs | |
$attributes | |
$maintainState | |
$readonly | |
$visible | |
$caption | |
$jsHint | |
$hint | |
$cssp | |
$inner | |
$parent | |
$eventHandlers | |
$painter | |
$event | |
$formId | |
const | ALIGN_CENTER = 'center' |
const | ALIGN_LEFT = 'left' |
const | ALIGN_RIGHT = 'right' |
const | FORM_MODE_WHOLE_ROW = 0 |
const | FORM_MODE_SHOW_SIDE = 1 |
const | FORM_MODE_SHOW_ABOVE = 2 |
const | FORM_MODE_SHOW_NBSP = 3 |
$formMode | |
![]() | |
$manager | |
$page | |
$owner | |
$name | |
$className | |
Atributos Públicos Estáticos | |
static | $_number = 0 |
Membros protegidos | |
_addStyle ($name, $value) | |
Base class for all controls. This class implements the properties and methods shared by all controls.
Ely Edison Matos [ely.m.nosp@m.atos.nosp@m.@ufjf.nosp@m..edu.nosp@m..br]
SOLIS - Cooperativa de Soluções Livres
The Miolo Development Team
CopyLeft (L) 2005 SOLIS - Cooperativa de Soluções Livres
Licensed under GPL (for further details read the COPYING file or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html )
See history in CVS repository: http://www.miolo.org.br
__construct | ( | $name = NULL | ) |
Initialize some properties.
$name | (string) a optional name for the control |
Reimplementado de MComponent.
Reimplementado em MHint, MContainerControl, MPageComment, MButtonClose, MButtonMinimize, MBaseForm, MButtonFind, MJavascriptCode, MStatusBar, MTabbedFormPage, MSpecialGridActionSelect, MButtonHelp, MHtmlForm, MOptionList, MAreaContainer e MSpacer.
__clone | ( | ) |
The clone method. It is used to clone controls, avoiding references to same attributes, styles and controls.
Reimplementado em MContainerControl.
__get | ( | $name | ) |
Reimplementado em MBaseForm.
__set | ( | $name, | |
$value ) |
Reimplementado em MBaseForm.
__toString | ( | ) |
Reimplementado em MMenuItem.
protected |
addAttribute | ( | $name, | |
$value = '' ) |
Reimplementado em MLookupContainer.
addBoxStyle | ( | $name, | |
$value ) |
string | $name,. | |
string | $value,. |
addEvent | ( | $event, | |
$handler, | |||
$preventDefault = true ) |
Reimplementado em MLookupContainer.
addStyle | ( | $name, | |
$value ) |
Reimplementado em MPage.
addStyleFile | ( | $styleFile | ) |
attachEventHandler | ( | $name, | |
$handler, | |||
$param = NULL ) |
attributes | ( | $mergeDuplicates = false | ) |
eventHandler | ( | ) |
Reimplementado em MTabbedForm.
generate | ( | ) |
Reimplementado em MBarcode, M_SPAW_Wysiwyg, MError, MGridHyperlink, MGridControl, MGridAction, MGridActionIcon, MGridActionText, MGridActionDefault, MGridActionDetail, MGridActionSelect, MGridFilter, MGrid, MAccordion, MBaseGroup, MChart, MRowContainer, MContentHeader, MContextMenu, MCSSForm, MCSSPForm, MDialog, MDiv, MDragDrop, MDropdownMenu, MDualList, MEditor, MError, MEventCalendar, MExpandDiv, MFieldSet, MFileField, MFloatField, MFormDialog, MGridColumn, MGrider, MHiddenField, MHtmlArea, MHtmlElement, MHtmlForm, MJavascriptCode, MLookupContainer, MMioloStatus, MModularCalendar, MOption, MOptionGroup, MOptionListItem, MPage, MPageComment, MBasePanel, MPopup, MPrompt, MSimpleTable, MSpan, MSpecialGrid, MSpecialGridActionSelect, MStaticMenu, MStatusBar, MStepByStepForm, MSubDetail, MTabbedBaseGroup, MTabbedForm, MTabbedForm2, MTabContainer, MTableRaw, MTextTable, MValidator, MOption, MOptionGroup, MOption, MOptionGroup, MBasePanel, MioloStatus, MSimpleTable, MTableRaw, MCompareValidator, MRangeValidator, MRegExpValidator, MDOMPDFReport, MPDFReportColumn, MPDFReportControl e MPDFReport.
generateBox | ( | $content | ) |
generateEvent | ( | ) |
generateInner | ( | ) |
Reimplementado em MAreaContainer, MBaseForm, MBaseGroup, MBox, MBoxTitle, MButton, MButtonAjax, MButtonHelp, MButtonImage, MCalendarField, MCalendarMobileField, MCheckBox, MComboBox, MCompoundForm, MContainer, MContainerControl, MContent, MCurrencyField, MDHTMLMenu2, MDropDownButton, MFieldLabel, MFileContent, MFileField, MForm, MIFrame, MImage, MImageFormLabel, MImageLabel, MIndexedControl, MInputButton, MInputGrid, MLabel, MLightBox, MLink, MLookupField, MLookupFieldValue, MLookupTextField, MMenu, MModuleHeader, MMultiSelection, MMultiSelectionField, MMultiTextField2, MMultiTextField3, MMultiTextField4, MNavigationBar, MOrderedList, MPageComment, MPrompt, MRadioButton, MRawText, MSelection, MSeparator, MText, MTextField, MTextHeader, MTextLabel, MThemeBox, MThemeElement, MTimeField, MTimestampField, MTimeTextField, MToolBar, MToolBarButton, MTreeMenu, MUnOrderedList e NavigationBar.
getAttribute | ( | $name | ) |
getAttributes | ( | $mergeDuplicates = false | ) |
getBox | ( | ) |
Reimplementado em MExpandDiv.
getBoxAttributes | ( | ) |
getBoxClass | ( | ) |
getBoxStyle | ( | ) |
getClass | ( | ) |
getCSSP | ( | ) |
getId | ( | ) |
Reimplementado em MTheme.
getInner | ( | ) |
getInnerToString | ( | ) |
getName | ( | ) |
getRender | ( | $method | ) |
getStyle | ( | ) |
getUniqueId | ( | ) |
hasEvent | ( | $event | ) |
insertClass | ( | $cssClass | ) |
setBoxAttributes | ( | $attr | ) |
setBoxClass | ( | $cssClass, | |
$add = true ) |
setBoxId | ( | $id | ) |
setCaption | ( | $caption | ) |
Reimplementado em MBox.
setClass | ( | $cssClass, | |
$add = TRUE ) |
Set class attribute to the element.
string | $cssClass | Class name. |
boolean | $add | Whether to add or replace (if exists) the class. |
setColor | ( | $value | ) |
Reimplementado em MEditor.
setContent | ( | $inner | ) |
setEnabled | ( | $state | ) |
Enabled status. Acessory method to set the enabled status of the control.
state | (boolean) true or false depending the status |
Reimplementado em MTab.
setFont | ( | $value | ) |
setHint | ( | $hint | ) |
setHTMLTitle | ( | $title | ) |
setId | ( | $id | ) |
setInner | ( | $inner | ) |
setJsHint | ( | $hint | ) |
setName | ( | $name | ) |
string | $name | Set component name. |
Reimplementado de MComponent.
setPosition | ( | $left, | |
$top, | |||
$position = 'absolute' ) |
setReadOnly | ( | $status | ) |
Reimplementado em MFormControl, MLookupContainer e MTimestampField.
setStyle | ( | $style | ) |
setVisibility | ( | $value | ) |
setWidth | ( | $value | ) |
Reimplementado em MGrid, MChart, MDialog, MGridColumn, MTableRaw, MToolBar, MDOMPDFReport, MPDFReport e MForm.
static |
A number used to identify anonymous controls.
A string with (X)HTML attributes. For compatibilty only.
$attrs |
A MAttributes object
$caption |
A caption for the control.
$cssp |
Indicates if the control is to be CSS Positioned
$enabled |
Indicates if the control is enabled/disabled.
$event |
Build handlers for javascripts events of control
$eventHandlers |
A list with registered event handlers .
$formId |
The Id of MHtmlForm where this control is inserted It is used to build single names of controls and ajax handlers
$formMode |
Indicates how to render the control/caption in the page. FORM_MODE_WHOLE_ROW = 0 : the control ocuppies whole row of form FORM_MODE_SHOW_SIDE = 1 : show caption: control side by side FORM_MODE_SHOW_ABOVE = 2 : show caption: above the control FORM_MODE_SHOW_NBSP = 3 : show caption: control
$hint |
A hint showed as MSpan, using HTML
$id |
A id for the control. This atribute identifies the control. It is used at (X)HTML rendering.
$inner |
The control's code according to render method. The $inner is generated by the control itself, according to its properties.
$jsHint |
A hint showed as tooltip, using javascript.
$maintainState |
Indicates if the control is to be mantained in round-trips.
$painter |
The class for renderize controls.
$parent |
The parent component (the owner of this control).
$readonly |
Show the control as a label.
$style |
A Style Object
$uniqueId |
Another id for the control. This atribute identifies the control's box in (X)HTML rendering.
$visible |
Is the control visible?
const ALIGN_CENTER = 'center' |
Center alignment
const ALIGN_LEFT = 'left' |
Left alignment
const ALIGN_RIGHT = 'right' |
Right alignment
Define the constants to be used to indicate the $formMode