Membros públicos | |
__construct ($title='', $action='', $close='', $icon='') | |
getTitle () | |
setTitle ($title) | |
setClose ($action) | |
setIcon ($icon) | |
getFooter () | |
setFooter ($footer) | |
setHelp ($href) | |
getData () | |
getAjaxData () | |
setData ($data) | |
getFieldValue ($name, $value=false) | |
setFieldValue ($name, $value) | |
setFieldValidator ($name, $value) | |
& | GetField ($name) |
& | GetButton ($name) |
& | GetPage () |
setPage ($page) | |
setFieldAttr ($name, $attr, $value) | |
getFieldAttr ($name, $attr, $index=NULL) | |
setButtonAttr ($name, $attr, $value) | |
setFieldCSS ($name, $top, $left, $width=NULL, $position='absolute') | |
setFormCSS ($height=0, $width=0, $top=0, $left=0, $buttons=0, $position='absolute') | |
setBackgroundColor ($bgcolor) | |
setAlign ($value) | |
setWidth ($width=NULL) | |
setHeight ($height=NULL) | |
generateFooter () | |
generateInner () | |
addCustomFields ($identifier, $customizedId=NULL, $suffix='') | |
getCustomFields ($identifier, $customizedId=NULL, $suffix='') | |
generateCustomFields ($mioloCustomFields=array(), $data=null, $suffix=null) | |
saveCustomFields ($customizedId, $data=null, $identifier=null) | |
searchCustomFieldValues ($identifier) | |
getCustomFieldValues () | |
deleteCustomFieldValues ($customizedId) | |
![]() | |
__construct ($action='') | |
__set ($name, $value) | |
__get ($name) | |
onLoad () | |
createFields () | |
isAjaxCall () | |
registerMethod () | |
addValidator ($validator) | |
setValidators ($validators) | |
setAjaxFields ($fields, $responseControl) | |
isSubmitted () | |
setAlternate ($color0, $color1) | |
setFocus ($fieldName) | |
getFormFields () | |
getFormValue ($name, $value=NULL) | |
setFormValue ($name, $value) | |
onSubmit ($jscode) | |
addJsCode ($jscode) | |
setAction ($action) | |
setFields ($fields) | |
addField ($field, $hint=false) | |
addFields ($fields) | |
addButton ($button) | |
setButtons ($buttons) | |
setButtonLabel ( $index, $label) | |
showReturn ( $state) | |
setShowReturnButton ( $state) | |
setShowPostButton ( $state) | |
showReset ( $state) | |
setShowResetButton ( $state) | |
getShowHints () | |
setShowHints ( $state) | |
showHints ( $state) | |
getFieldList () | |
clearFields () | |
clearField ($name) | |
clearButtons () | |
validate () | |
error ( $err) | |
addError ($err) | |
hasErrors () | |
addInfo ($info) | |
hasInfos () | |
addAlert ($alert) | |
hasAlerts () | |
collectInput ($data) | |
setData (MBusiness $data) | |
& | getField ($name) |
& | getButton ($name) |
& | getPage () |
setResponse ($controls, $element='', $generateFormLayout=false) | |
getCloseWindow () | |
setLabelWidth ($width) | |
setFieldsReadOnly ($readOnly=true) | |
setFieldReadOnly ($field, $readOnly=true) | |
submit_button () | |
generateErrors () | |
generateInfos () | |
generateAlerts () | |
generateBody () | |
generateLayoutFields (&$hidden) | |
getFieldValidator ($name) | |
generateLayoutField ($f, &$hidden=array()) | |
setJsValidationEnabled ($jsValidationEnabled) | |
getJsValidationEnabled () | |
generateButtons () | |
generateHiddenFields ($hidden) | |
generateScript () | |
![]() | |
__clone () | |
addControl ($control) | |
insertControl ($control, $pos=0) | |
setControl ($control, $pos=0) | |
setControls ($controls) | |
getControls () | |
getControl ($pos) | |
getControlById ($id) | |
findControlById ($id) | |
setControlById ($control, $id) | |
clearControls () | |
![]() | |
generate () | |
![]() | |
setName ($name) | |
setId ($id) | |
getId () | |
getName () | |
getUniqueId () | |
setClass ($cssClass, $add=TRUE) | |
insertClass ( $cssClass) | |
addStyleFile ( $styleFile) | |
getClass () | |
addStyle ($name, $value) | |
setStyle ($style) | |
getStyle () | |
getBoxStyle () | |
setPosition ($left, $top, $position='absolute') | |
setColor ($value) | |
setVisibility ($value) | |
setFont ($value) | |
getBox () | |
setBoxId ( $id) | |
setBoxClass ( $cssClass, $add=true) | |
getBoxClass () | |
setBoxAttributes ($attr) | |
getBoxAttributes () | |
generateBox ( $content) | |
addAttribute ( $name, $value='') | |
setAttribute ( $name, $value) | |
getAttribute ( $name) | |
setAttributes ($attr) | |
attributes ( $mergeDuplicates=false) | |
getAttributes ( $mergeDuplicates=false) | |
setReadOnly ($status) | |
setEnabled ($state) | |
setJsHint ( $hint) | |
setHint ( $hint) | |
setCaption ($caption) | |
setHTMLTitle ($title) | |
addBoxStyle ($name, $value) | |
eventHandler () | |
attachEventHandler ( $name, $handler, $param=NULL) | |
addEvent ($event, $handler, $preventDefault=true) | |
hasEvent ($event) | |
generateEvent () | |
setContent ($inner) | |
setInner ($inner) | |
getInner () | |
getRender ( $method) | |
getInnerToString () | |
getCSSP () | |
__toString () | |
![]() | |
getManager () | |
Campos de Dados | |
$formBox | |
$title | |
$help | |
$footer | |
$bgColor | |
$align = NULL | |
$mioloCustomFields | |
$mioloCustomizedId | |
![]() | |
$method | |
$buttons | |
$fields = array() | |
$return | |
$reset | |
$styles | |
$width | |
$enctype | |
$validations | |
$defaultButton | |
$errors = array() | |
$infos = array() | |
$alerts = array() | |
$layout | |
$zebra = false | |
$labelWidth = NULL | |
$focus = '' | |
$ajax | |
$cp | |
$cssForm = false | |
$cssButtons | |
![]() | |
$controls | |
$controlsId | |
![]() | |
$id | |
$uniqueId | |
$enabled | |
$style | |
$attrs | |
$attributes | |
$maintainState | |
$readonly | |
$visible | |
$caption | |
$jsHint | |
$hint | |
$cssp | |
$inner | |
$parent | |
$eventHandlers | |
$painter | |
$event | |
$formId | |
const | ALIGN_CENTER = 'center' |
const | ALIGN_LEFT = 'left' |
const | ALIGN_RIGHT = 'right' |
const | FORM_MODE_WHOLE_ROW = 0 |
const | FORM_MODE_SHOW_SIDE = 1 |
const | FORM_MODE_SHOW_ABOVE = 2 |
const | FORM_MODE_SHOW_NBSP = 3 |
$formMode | |
![]() | |
$manager | |
$page | |
$owner | |
$name | |
$className | |
Membros protegidos | |
normalizaCamposCustomizados ($customFields) | |
![]() | |
_getFormFieldValue ($field) | |
![]() | |
_AddControl ($control, $pos=0, $op='add') | |
![]() | |
_addStyle ($name, $value) | |
Outros membros herdados | |
![]() | |
static | $showHints = true |
static | $fieldNum = 0 |
![]() | |
static | $_number = 0 |
![]() | |
$action | |
__construct | ( | $title = '', | |
$action = '', | |||
$close = '', | |||
$icon = '' ) |
This is the constructor of the Form class. It takes a title and an action url as optional parameters. The action URL is typically obtained by calling the MIOLO->getActionURL()
$title | (string) the form's title string |
$action | (string) the URL for the forms ACTION attribute. |
Reimplementado de MDiv.
Reimplementado em MStepByStepForm, Form, MFormDialog, MCompoundForm e MCSSForm.
addCustomFields | ( | $identifier, | |
$customizedId = NULL, | |||
$suffix = '' ) |
Add the custom fields of the given identifier.
string | $identifier | Identifier. |
string | $customizedId | Primary key of the main table (for editing form). |
string | $suffix | Suffix to be added to each field name. |
deleteCustomFieldValues | ( | $customizedId | ) |
Delete custom field values.
mixed | The primary key of the related table. |
generateCustomFields | ( | $mioloCustomFields = array(), | |
$data = null, | |||
$suffix = null ) |
generateFooter | ( | ) |
Brief Description. Complete Description.
Reimplementado de MBaseForm.
Reimplementado em MTabbedForm.
generateInner | ( | ) |
Reimplementado de MBaseForm.
Reimplementado em MCompoundForm.
getAjaxData | ( | ) |
& GetButton | ( | $name | ) |
Get a reference for a button
getCustomFields | ( | $identifier, | |
$customizedId = NULL, | |||
$suffix = '' ) |
getCustomFieldValues | ( | ) |
getData | ( | ) |
& GetField | ( | $name | ) |
Get a reference for a form field
getFieldAttr | ( | $name, | |
$attr, | |||
$index = NULL ) |
Get a form field's attribute value
Reimplementado de MBaseForm.
getFieldValue | ( | $name, | |
$value = false ) |
Obtains a form field's value
Reimplementado de MBaseForm.
getFooter | ( | ) |
Obtains the content title of this form's footer. Observe, that this can be anything other as a simple text string too, such as array of strings and an object implementing the Generate()
& GetPage | ( | ) |
Get a reference for page
getTitle | ( | ) |
Obtains the content of this form's title. Observe, that this can be anything other as a simple text string too, such as array of strings and an object implementing the Generate()
protected |
Função criada para ser sobrescrita em classes filhas.
array | $customFields |
saveCustomFields | ( | $customizedId, | |
$data = null, | |||
$identifier = null ) |
Save the custom field values.
mixed | $customizedId | The primary key of the related table. |
searchCustomFieldValues | ( | $identifier | ) |
Search the custom field values through the identifier and the form data.
string | $identifier | Custom field identifier. |
setAlign | ( | $value | ) |
setBackgroundColor | ( | $bgcolor | ) |
setButtonAttr | ( | $name, | |
$attr, | |||
$value ) |
Set a form field's attribute a value
Reimplementado de MBaseForm.
setClose | ( | $action | ) |
Sets the form's close action
(string) | $action Form action |
setData | ( | $data | ) |
setFieldAttr | ( | $name, | |
$attr, | |||
$value ) |
Set a form field's attribute a value
Reimplementado de MBaseForm.
setFieldCSS | ( | $name, | |
$top, | |||
$left, | |||
$width = NULL, | |||
$position = 'absolute' ) |
Set CSS for the field.
(string) | $name |
(integer) | $top |
(integer) | $left |
(integer) | $width |
(string) | $position |
setFieldValidator | ( | $name, | |
$value ) |
Set a form field's validator
Reimplementado de MBaseForm.
setFieldValue | ( | $name, | |
$value ) |
Set a form field's value
Reimplementado de MBaseForm.
setFooter | ( | $footer | ) |
Form's footer. Sets the form's footer content.
$footer | (tipo) Footer content |
setFormCSS | ( | $height = 0, | |
$width = 0, | |||
$top = 0, | |||
$left = 0, | |||
$buttons = 0, | |||
$position = 'absolute' ) |
Set form CSS
(integer) | $height |
(integer) | $width |
(integer) | $top |
(integer) | $left |
(integer) | $buttons |
(string) | $position |
setHelp | ( | $href | ) |
Sets an URL to a help document. This document will be opened via JavaScript in a new window. If this URL is set, the form will display a help button in it's title bar.
(string) | $href URL |
setIcon | ( | $icon | ) |
Sets the form's icon
(string) | $icon Icon URL |
setPage | ( | $page | ) |
Set reference for page
Reimplementado de MBaseForm.
setTitle | ( | $title | ) |
Set the form's title
(string) | $title Form title |
setWidth | ( | $width = NULL | ) |
Reimplementado de MControl.
Reimplementado em MDOMPDFReport.
$align = NULL |
$mioloCustomFields |
$mioloCustomizedId |