| dBug ($var, $forceType="") |
| __construct ($var, $forceType="") |
| makeTableHeader ($type, $header, $colspan=2) |
| makeTDHeader ($type, $header) |
| closeTDRow () |
| error ($type) |
| checkType ($var) |
| varIsBoolean ($var) |
| varIsArray ($var) |
| varIsObject ($var) |
| varIsResource ($var) |
| varIsXml ($var) |
| varIsXmlResource ($var) |
| xmlParse ($xml_parser, $data, $bFinal) |
| xmlStartElement ($parser, $name, $attribs) |
| xmlEndElement ($parser, $name) |
| xmlCharacterData ($parser, $data) |
| xmlDefaultHandler ($parser, $data) |
| varIsDBResource ($var, $db="mysql") |
| varIsGDResource ($var) |
Var Dump class. This class Dumps/Displays the contents of a variable in a colored tabular format Based on the idea, javascript and css code of Macromedia's ColdFusion cfdump tag A much better presentation of a variable's contents than PHP's var_dump and print_r functions
Thanks to Andrew Hewitt (rudeb.nosp@m.woy@.nosp@m.hotma.nosp@m.il.c.nosp@m.om) for the idea and suggestion
All the credit goes to ColdFusion's brilliant cfdump tag Hope the next version of PHP can implement this or have something similar
- Autor
- Kwaku Otchere [ospin.nosp@m.to@h.nosp@m.otmai.nosp@m.l.co.nosp@m.m] [http://dbug.ospinto.com]
Armando Taffarel Neto [taffa.nosp@m.rel@.nosp@m.solis.nosp@m..coo.nosp@m.p.br] Daniel Hartmann [danie.nosp@m.l@so.nosp@m.lis.c.nosp@m.oop..nosp@m.br]
- Desde
- Introduced in MIOLO on July,25 2006
SOLIS - Cooperativa de Soluções Livres
The MIOLO development team
Copyright (c) 2006-2011 - SOLIS - Cooperativa de Soluções Livres
Licensed under GPL (for further details read the COPYING file or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html )
See history in SVN repository
- Exemplos
- /var/docker/solisge-devel/www/solisge/miolo26/classes/utils/mutil.class.php.
◆ __construct()
__construct |
( |
| $var, |
| $forceType = "" ) |
◆ checkType()
Check variable type. TODO: create constants for types.
- Parâmetros
◆ closeTDRow()
- Retorna
- string Close table row.
◆ dBug()
dBug |
( |
| $var, |
| $forceType = "" ) |
- Parâmetros
mixed | $var | |
string | $forceType | Type to force. Can be array, object or xml. |
◆ error()
Generate error message. TODO: create constants for errors.
- Parâmetros
- Retorna
- string Error message.
◆ makeTableHeader()
makeTableHeader |
( |
| $type, |
| $header, |
| $colspan = 2 ) |
Create the main table header.
- Parâmetros
string | $type | |
string | $header | |
integer | $colspan | Number of columns. |
◆ makeTDHeader()
makeTDHeader |
( |
| $type, |
| $header ) |
Create the table row header.
- Parâmetros
◆ varIsArray()
Check if variable is an array type.
- Parâmetros
◆ varIsBoolean()
Print string representation of boolean
- Parâmetros
◆ varIsDBResource()
varIsDBResource |
( |
| $var, |
| $db = "mysql" ) |
Check if variable is a database resource type.
- Parâmetros
◆ varIsGDResource()
Check if variable is an image/gd resource type.
- Parâmetros
◆ varIsObject()
Check if variable is an object type.
- Parâmetros
◆ varIsResource()
Check if variable is a resource type.
- Parâmetros
◆ varIsXml()
Check if variable is an xml type.
- Parâmetros
◆ varIsXmlResource()
Check if variable is an xml resource type.
- Parâmetros
◆ xmlCharacterData()
xmlCharacterData |
( |
| $parser, |
| $data ) |
XML: initiated when text between tags is encountered.
- Parâmetros
◆ xmlDefaultHandler()
xmlDefaultHandler |
( |
| $parser, |
| $data ) |
XML: initiated when a comment or other miscellaneous texts is encountered.
- Parâmetros
◆ xmlEndElement()
xmlEndElement |
( |
| $parser, |
| $name ) |
XML: initiated when an end tag is encountered.
- Parâmetros
◆ xmlParse()
xmlParse |
( |
| $xml_parser, |
| $data, |
| $bFinal ) |
Parse XML.
- Parâmetros
resource | $xml_parser | |
string | $data | |
boolean | $bFinal | |
◆ xmlStartElement()
xmlStartElement |
( |
| $parser, |
| $name, |
| $attribs ) |
XML: inititiated when a start tag is encountered.
- Parâmetros
type | $parser | |
type | $name | |
type | $attribs | |
◆ $arrType
$arrType = array( "array", "object", "resource", "boolean" ) |
◆ $xmlAttrib
◆ $xmlCData
◆ $xmlCount
◆ $xmlDData
◆ $xmlDepth
◆ $xmlName
◆ $xmlSData
A documentação para esta classe foi gerada a partir do seguinte ficheiro:
- classes/contrib/dbug.class.php